Publication of our annual report and accounts 2019-20
The 17th annual report and accounts for The National Archives are now available online.
The report gives an overview of our highlights for 2019-20 and reports on progress made in the first year of Archives for Everyone, our four-year strategy.
Read more in the full report.
- Prime Minister’s files from 1998 – 2000 released
- Cabinet Office files from 1997-2000
- 1921 Census for England and Wales published today
- Kate Williams, Amber Butchart, and Mel Backe-Hansen join our 20sPeople season of online talks
- DCDC22 Conference: Call for papers
- Allocating a manuscript accepted in lieu of tax
- Prize Papers research portal launched
- CILIP Pathways to develop assessment process for archivist apprenticeship
- Step back in time with our 1920s evening at the 43 Club
- Latest archive accreditation awards
- SafePod for data research available at Kew
- Records at Risk Fund awards grants to save vulnerable collections
- The National Archives welcomes Vice-Chancellor as new Chair of Board
- The National Archives to publish court judgments
- The National Archives and Arts Council England embark on a new three-year collaboration
- Records of French Prizes uploaded to Prize Papers portal
- Temporary withdrawal of record series FCO 141
- Cabinet Office files released
- Latest Cabinet Office files
- Newly accredited archive services announced
- Archives Revealed funds ten new cataloguing projects
- New educational resource ‘Spotlight On’ launched
- Back to school: discover our learning resources and taught sessions
- Access reinstated for FCO 141 Record Series
- Women’s Land Army index cards online at Ancestry
- Our exhibition Treason: People, Power & Plot opens on 5 November
- Latest release of files from MI5
- Join our User Advisory Group – deadline extended
- Archival research sheds new light on Chaucer court case
- Prize Papers exhibition at the German Historical Institute London
- British Library to work with The National Archives and Jisc to deliver Discovering Collections: Discovering Communities (DCDC) conference
- Treason: People, Power & Plot opens this weekend
- Catalogue Week is coming
- Newly accredited archive services announced
- MOD service personnel records now available (update)
- Education package to mark 25th anniversary of Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement
- Cabinet Office files from 2000-2002 released
- New family exhibition Spirit of Invention coming this summer
- Opera songs performed for the first time in 200 years
- Allocating collections accepted in lieu of tax
- Training provider announced for the Level 7 Archivist apprenticeship
- DCDC23: Call for papers now open
- Industrial action planned for Wednesday 15 March
- Review of the Statement of Public Task
- Digitising FCO 141 records
- Award of MOD service records digitisation contract
- Tolkien letters shine new light on writer’s life and work
- New education resources highlight Good Friday Agreement
- Newly accredited archive services announced
- Industrial action to affect services on Friday 28 April
- 20sStreets competition: winners chosen from ‘impressive’ field
- Funding programme for 2023-2024 now open
- Spirit of Invention: new exhibition opens at The National Archives
- New collaborative doctoral partnerships announced
- Archives for Everywhere strategy launched
- Reading rooms to close early on Friday 21 July
- Cabinet Office Files Released
- Archive Service Accreditation Panel latest awards
- Archives for Everyone 2023-27 published
- Archives Revealed programme awards 10 new cataloguing grants
- Additional handling procedures for some documents
- The National Archives Chief Executive and Keeper to conclude term of office
- Great Escapes: Remarkable Second World War Captives
- Newly Accredited Archive Services
- 18th Century Spanish Prize Papers Now Online
- Latest Cabinet Office files released
- Allocating collections accepted in lieu of tax
- Great Escapes exhibition launched
- 300,000 farm records going online, thanks to grant from Lund Trust
- Pristine sweater in parcel posted in 1807
- Spirit of Invention exhibition opens in Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- Were Allied prisoners of war involved in the Great Escape betrayed?
- Saul Nassé appointed as new Chief Executive and Keeper of The National Archives
- Major improvement works to our building
- The National Archives welcomes Laidlaw Education to Kew
- Latest Accredited Archive Services announced
- Pre-election period
- Newly accredited archive service
- Join our User Advisory Group
- Saul Nassé presents first Archive Service Accreditation certificate
- The National Archives to create centre of excellence for heritage science and conservation research
- New initiative to improve access to Holocaust-related collections
- Royal Flying Corps and Successors: World War One Gallantry Award Medal Index Cards Released
- The National Archives Welcomes New Board Members
- Latest accredited archive services announced
- Extraordinary new clue about the Princes in the Tower found at The National Archives
- World leaders who signed No 10 Downing Street visitor books
- Latest release of files from MI5
- MI5: Official Secrets exhibition opens in the spring
- Join The National Archives Board
- Closure Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March 2024
- The National Archives and Arts Council England sign new agreement
- Major National Lottery investment to unlock UK’s archives
- Back to school: discover our learning resources and taught sessions
- Discovery maintenance on 9 October
- Book on Victorian poverty wins major prize
- Planning a visit to our reading rooms this summer? Reserve your seat
- New web portal gives easier access to Northern Ireland files
- Marking the arrival of the Empire Windrush 75 years on
- Join our User Advisory Group
- Bookings now open for DCDC23
- Book now for new live schools sessions and education resources
- Calling all teachers – summer sessions now available to book
- Industrial action planned for Wednesday 1 February
- Discovery, our catalogue, is moving to a Cloud-based platform
- Cashless car parking and new payment app coming soon
- Digital Project Wins International Award
- 20sStreets local history competition now open
- Update on temporary withdrawal of record series FCO 141
- Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- First MOD service personnel records now available
- Parliamentary Archives to relocate to Kew
- Support for Ukraine
- Digital art installation now on site
- Regional hubs to offer free online access to 1921 Census of England and Wales
- The National Archives is open as usual
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office files
- Cabinet Office files (CAB)
- Prime Minister’s Office files (PREM)
- Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities is taking a break in 2024
- Educational package to help pupils across the UK understand the journey to the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement
- Subject files
- Double Agent Operations
- Communists and Suspected Communists, including Russian and Communist sympathisers
- Geoffrey Howe’s Private Office papers 1979 – 1983