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The National Archives to establish new hub for community-led research in the cultural heritage sector

Staff working in galleries, libraries, archives and museums around the UK will soon be able to ask The National Archives for help funding community-led...

Tags: bursaries, community outreach, grants, heritage sector, training

Seeking permanent home for John le Carré literary archive

The John le Carré literary archive has been accepted in lieu of tax by the government. You can find more details in the latest Acceptance in Lieu report...

Tags: acceptance in lieu of tax, David Cornwell, John le Carré, literary archive

The National Archives launches guidance for archivists working in fast response situations

Today The National Archives has launched new guidance for archivists about rapid response collecting. It’s designed to support archivists collecting...

Tags: archives, Archivists, guidance, tributes

MI5: Official Secrets exhibition opens in the spring

Today, we can announce a groundbreaking exhibition in partnership with MI5 exploring the vital work of Britain’s domestic intelligence agency. It...

Tags: Cambridge Five, exhibition, MI5: Official Secrets, security service, spies

Document release

Latest release of files from MI5

Today we have made available a selection of previously top secret files from MI5. The records cover a range of subjects predominantly from the organisation's...

Tags: exhibition, file release, mi5, MI5: Official Secrets, security service, spies

World leaders who signed No 10 Downing Street visitor books

Three Downing Street visitor books are included in this December’s Cabinet Office file release. The red leather-bound volumes are the first ever released...

Tags: Cabinet Office file release, Downing Street, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, visitor books

Extraordinary new clue about the Princes in the Tower found at The National Archives

Extraordinary new evidence has been found at The National Archives which offers a fresh clue about what happened to The Princes in the Tower. An...

Tags: Edward V, Princes in the Tower, Richard III

Latest accredited archive services announced

Following a recent Archive Service Accreditation Panel, the UK Archive Service Accreditation Committee is pleased to announce that the following archive...

Tags: accreditation, accredited archives, archive sector

The National Archives Welcomes New Board Members

  The National Archives welcomes the appointment of two new non-executive Board members, Lopa Patel MBE and Nigel Baker. They replace Baroness...

Tags: Baroness, board members, non-executive board members

Royal Flying Corps and Successors: World War One Gallantry Award Medal Index Cards Released

The National Archives, in partnership with Forces War Records, the leading military family history website from Ancestry®, has launched a digital...

Tags: Forces War Records, medal index cards, royal flying corps, world war one

New initiative to improve access to Holocaust-related collections

We have become a founding member of EHRI-UK – the national body representing Holocaust-related collections in the United Kingdom. The other founding...

Tags: archive sector, EHRI, EHRI-UK, holocaust, holocaust memorial, research

The National Archives to create centre of excellence for heritage science and conservation research

  We have been awarded £1.3m to upgrade our analytical research laboratory creating a centre of excellence available to collections throughout...

Tags: arts and humanities research council, conservation, heritage science, Heritage Science Data Service, HSDS, ResearchSpace, RICHeS

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