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How to look for records of...
First World War – an overview
Recommended guide -
Military and maritime records: an overview
Recommended guide -
Second World War – an overview
Recommended guide - Abbreviations in Merchant Navy records
Keywords: merchant navynavy - Armed forces records held by other archives
Keywords: armybritish armyrafroyal air forceroyal navysoldierwars - Army regiments
Keywords: armybritish armyregiments and corps - Births, marriages and deaths at sea or abroad
Keywords: birthscoloniesdeathsmarriagesmerchant navyshipping - Births, marriages and deaths in the armed forces
Keywords: armybirthsbritish armydeathsmarriagesnavyrafroyal air forceroyal marinesroyal navy - Board of Ordnance
Keywords: armybritish armyordnance (military supplies) - Bomb Census survey 1940-1945
Keywords: air raidsbomb censuscasualties of wardatasetssecond world warstatisticssurveysworld war two - British and Commonwealth prisoners of the First World War and previous wars
Keywords: first world warpowsprisoners of warworld war one - British and Commonwealth prisoners of the Second World War and the Korean War
Keywords: korean warpowsprisoners of warsecond world warsecond world war personnelworld war two - British Army casualty lists 1939-1945
Keywords: armybritish armydeathsdigitised recordsonline collectionssecond world warsoldierworld war two All records viewable online - British Army medal index cards 1914-1920
Keywords: digitised recordsonline collections All records viewable online - British Army muster rolls and pay lists c.1730-1898
Keywords: armybritish armymuster rollsregiments and corpssoldier - British Army nurses
Keywords: armybritish armynurseswomen's military service - British Army nurses’ service records 1914-1918
Keywords: digitised recordsonline collections All records viewable online - British Army officers in service after 1918
Keywords: armybritish armysecond world warsecond world war personnelsoldierworld war two - British Army officers of the First World War
Keywords: armybritish armyfirst world warmedalsofficers (army)soldierworld war one - British Army officers up to 1913
Keywords: armyawardsbritish armymedalsofficers (army)soldier - British Army operations after 1945
Keywords: armybritish armykorean warregiments and corpswar diaries - British Army operations in the First World War
Keywords: armybritish armyfirst world warregiments and corpswar diariesworld war one - British Army operations in the Second World War
Keywords: armybritish armyregiments and corpssecond world warwar diariesworld war two - British Army operations up to 1913
Keywords: armyboer warbritish armycrimean warnapoleonic warsregiments and corps - British Army soldiers in service after 1945
Keywords: armybritish armysoldier - British Army soldiers of the First World War
Keywords: armybritish armyfirst world warnon-commissioned officersoldierworld war one - British Army soldiers of the Second World War
Keywords: armybritish armysecond world warsecond world war personnelsoldierworld war two - British Army soldiers up to 1913
Keywords: armybritish armypensionssoldier - British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force disability and dependents’ pensions from the First World War
Keywords: armybritish armydisability pensionsfirst world warpensionsrafroyal air forceroyal navyworld war one - British military campaign and service medals
Keywords: armyawardsbritish armycampaign medalsmedalsofficers (army) - British military gallantry medals
Keywords: armyawardsbritish armygallantry medalshonoursmedals - Coastguard stations and administration
Keywords: coastguardcustoms (tax)shipping - Conscientious objectors
Keywords: conscientious objectorsfirst world warsecond world warworld war oneworld war two - Courts martial and desertion in the British Army 17th-20th centuries
Keywords: armybritish armycourts martialdeserters (armed forces)first world warsecond world warsoldierworld war oneworld war two - Crimean War – an overview
Keywords: crimean warwars - Deaths in the First and Second World Wars
Keywords: casualties of wardeathsfirst world warsecond world warworld war oneworld war two - Environmental pollution and damage
Keywords: contaminated landenvironmental pollutionlandland ownershippollution - Fleet Air Arm personnel
Keywords: fleet air armnavyroyal navysecond world war personnel - French muster rolls from the Battle of Trafalgar 1805
Keywords: digitised recordshigh court of admiraltyonline collectionstrafalgar (battle of) All records viewable online - German Foreign Ministry and Italian documents 1867-1945 captured by the British
Keywords: german foreign ministrynazi germanysecond world warworld war two - High Court of Admiralty
Keywords: admiraltycoloniescourts of lawhigh court of admiraltyshippingtrials - Home Guard personnel
Keywords: home fronthome guardsecond world warworld war two - Household Cavalry soldiers’ service records 1799-1920
Keywords: digitised recordsonline collections All records viewable online - Indian Army personnel
Keywords: armyfirst world warindian armysecond world warworld war oneworld war two - Intelligence and security services
Keywords: espionageintelligence and security servicesmi5 and mi6security servicesspecial operations executive - Internees
Keywords: aliens (foreign nationals)first world warimmigrationinterneesmigrationpowsprisoners of warsecond world warworld war oneworld war two - Land and property requisitioned for war in the 20th century
Keywords: first world warlandland ownershiprequisitioned landsecond world warworld war oneworld war two - Maritime history records held by other archives
Keywords: merchant navynavyroyal navyshipping - Medieval and early modern soldiers
Keywords: armybritish armyearly modern periodmedieval periodofficers (army)soldier - Merchant Navy medals and honours
Keywords: awardscampaign medalsgallantry medalshonoursmedalsmerchant navy - Merchant Navy officers
Keywords: crew listsmerchant navyofficers merchant navy - Merchant Navy seamen in service before 1914
Keywords: apprenticeshipcrew listsmerchant navy - Merchant Navy seamen in service since 1918
Keywords: crew listsmerchant navysecond world warsecond world war personnelworld war two - Merchant Navy seamen of the First World War
Keywords: apprenticeshipcrew listsfirst world warmerchant navyworld war one - Merchant Navy ships wrecked or sunk
Keywords: first world warmerchant navynavysecond world warshippingworld war oneworld war two - Merchant Navy ships’ records: movement cards 1939-1945
Keywords: digitised recordsmerchant navyonline collectionssecond world warshippingworld war two All records viewable online - Merchant Navy ships’ records: registration of merchant ships
Keywords: merchant navynavyshipping - Merchant Navy ships’ records: crew lists, musters and log books
Keywords: crew listslog books (ships)merchant navyshipping - Merchant trade records: port books 1565-1799
Keywords: customs (tax)merchant navyport bookstaxation - Military maps of the First World War
Keywords: first world warmapsworld war one - Military maps of the Second World War
Keywords: mapssecond world warworld war two - Military nursing
Keywords: armybritish armynavynursesrafroyal air forceroyal navywomen's military service - Militia
Keywords: armybritish armymedalsmilitiapensionssoldiervolunteer soldiers - Napoleonic wars and the war of 1812 – an overview
Keywords: napoleonic warswars - Ordnance Survey
Keywords: mapsordnance survey - Photographs
Keywords: photographs - Prisoners of war in British hands
Keywords: boer warcrimean warfirst world warpowsprisoners of warsecond world warworld war oneworld war two - Research and development in the British Army
Keywords: armybritish armyordnance (military supplies) - Research and development in the Royal Air Force and civil aviation
Keywords: air transportaviationcivil aviationrafroyal air force - Research and development in the Royal Navy
Keywords: navyordnance (military supplies)royal navyshipping - Royal Air Force nurses
Keywords: nursesrafroyal air forcesecond world war personnelwomen's military service - Royal Air Force operations
Keywords: combat reports (raf)first world warrafroyal air forceroyal flying corpsroyal naval air servicesecond world warsquadrons (royal air force)world war oneworld war two - Royal Air Force personnel
Keywords: campaign medalscourts martialpowsprisoners of warrafroyal air forcesecond world war personnel - Royal Air Force squadrons
Keywords: rafroyal air forcesquadrons (royal air force) - Royal Flying Corps airmen
Keywords: royal flying corps - Royal Flying Corps officers
Keywords: officers (air forces)royal flying corps - Royal Marines officers
Keywords: first world warofficers (royal marines)royal marinesworld war one - Royal Marines other ranks
Keywords: first world warroyal marinesworld war one - Royal Naval Air Service officers
Keywords: first world warofficers (air forces)royal naval air serviceworld war one - Royal Naval Air Service ratings
Keywords: first world warroyal naval air serviceworld war one - Royal Naval correspondence using the ADM 12 indexes and digests
Keywords: admiraltyroyal navyshipping - Royal Naval Division personnel
Keywords: first world warroyal naval divisionroyal navyworld war one - Royal Naval dockyard staff
Keywords: dockyardnavyroyal navy - Royal Naval Reserve personnel
Keywords: first world warnavyroyal naval reservesecond world war personnelworld war one - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve personnel
Keywords: first world warnavyroyal naval volunteer reserveworld war one - Royal Navy commissioned and warrant officers
Keywords: courts martialnavyofficers (royal navy)royal navy - Royal Navy commissioned and warrant officers’ pensions
Keywords: first world warnavyofficers (royal navy)pensionsroyal navyworld war one - Royal Navy nurses and medical officers
Keywords: navynursesroyal navysecond world war personnelwomen's military service - Royal Navy operations and correspondence 1660-1914
Keywords: admiraltynavyroyal navy - Royal Navy operations and policy after 1945
Keywords: admiraltyfleet air armnavyroyal navy - Royal Navy operations in the First World War
Keywords: admiraltyfirst world warnavyroyal navyworld war one - Royal Navy operations in the Second World War
Keywords: admiraltynavyroyal navysecond world warworld war two - Royal Navy ratings enlisted after 1918
Keywords: campaign medalsmedalsnavyroyal navysecond world warsecond world war personnelworld war two - Royal Navy ratings of the First World War
Keywords: first world warmedalsnavyroyal navyworld war one - Royal Navy ratings up to 1913
Keywords: medalsnavyroyal navy - Royal Navy ratings’ pensions 17th-20th centuries
Keywords: first world warnavypensionsroyal navyworld war one - Royal Navy ships of exploration logs and journals 1757-1904
Keywords: admiraltydigitised recordslog books (ships)navyonline collectionsroyal navyshipping All records viewable online - Royal Navy ships wrecked or sunk
Keywords: first world warnavyroyal navysecond world warshippingworld war oneworld war two - Royal Navy ships’ log books
Keywords: admiraltylog books (ships)navyroyal navyshipping - Sea charts
Keywords: admiraltycharts (maps)maps - Soldiers in African forces under British control
Keywords: africanarmybritish armybritish empirecolonieswars - The South African War, 1899-1902 (or Second Boer War) – an overview
Keywords: boer warsouth african warwars - Volunteers and Territorials
Keywords: armybritish armyhome frontmilitiaofficers (army)regiments and corpssoldierterritorial armyvolunteer soldiers - War crimes 1939-1945
Keywords: control commissionnazi germanynuremberg trialssecond world warwar crimesworld war two - Wills of Royal Navy and Royal Marines personnel 1786-1882
Keywords: digitised recordsonline collections All records viewable online - Women in the British Army
Keywords: armybritish armyfirst world warsoldierwomen's military serviceworld war one - Women’s Land Army
Keywords: home frontland girlssecond world warsecond world war personnelwomen's land armyworld war two - Women’s Royal Air Force personnel
Keywords: first world warrafroyal air forcesecond world war personnelwomen's military serviceworld war one - Women’s Royal Naval Service personnel
Keywords: first world warroyal navywomen's military serviceworld war one