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Political history in the medieval era – an overview
Recommended guide - Civil court cases: Chancery equity suits 1558-1875
Keywords: chancery (court of)civil litigationcourts of lawearly modern periodequity courtslaw and ordertrials - Civil court cases: Chancery equity suits before 1558
Keywords: chancery (court of)civil litigationcourts of lawearly modern periodequity courtslaw and ordertrials - Civil court cases: disputed wills
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawdeathsearly modern periodlaw and orderprerogative court of canterburyprobatetrialswills - Court of King’s Bench records 1200-1702
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawkings bench (court of)law and ordertrials - Court of Requests records 1485-1642
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawearly modern periodequity courtslaw and orderrequests (court of)trials - Court of Star Chamber records 1485-1642
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawearly modern periodequity courtslaw and orderstar chamber (court of)trials - Court of Wards and Liveries 1540-1645: land inheritance and disputes
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawdeeds (property ownership)early modern periodlandland ownershipwards and liveries (court of) - Courts of law records from the medieval period: general eyres 1194-1348
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawcrime and criminalscriminal courtseyres (general)general eyreslaw and ordermedieval periodtrials - Criminal court cases: assize courts 1559-1971
Keywords: assize courtscourts of lawcrime and criminalscriminal courtsearly modern periodlaw and ordertrials - Dissolution of the monasteries 1536-1540
Keywords: abbeyschurch landsdissolution of the monasteriesearly modern periodmonasteriesreligious history - Domesday Book
Keywords: datasetsdigitised recordsdomesday booklandland ownershipmedieval periodonline collectionsstatisticssurveys All records viewable online - Foreign affairs before 1509
Keywords: diplomacyforeign affairsinternational relationsmedieval period - French lands of the English kings
Keywords: early modern periodfrance (english lands in)landland ownership - Inquisitions post mortem: land ownership and inheritance in the medieval and early modern periods
Keywords: early modern periodinquisitions post mortemlandland ownership - Irish maps c.1558-c.1610
Keywords: digitised recordsearly modern periodirelandmapsonline collections All records viewable online - Letters and papers of Henry VIII
Keywords: early modern periodhenry viiipolitical history (general)state papers - Manorial documents and lordships and how to use the Manorial Documents Register
Keywords: early modern periodlandland ownershipmanorial documents registermanors - Medieval and early modern family history
Keywords: early modern periodmedieval period - Medieval and early modern soldiers
Keywords: armybritish armyearly modern periodmedieval periodofficers (army)soldier - Medieval customs’ accounts
Keywords: customs (tax)excise (tax)inland revenuemedieval periodpipe rollstaxation - Medieval financial records: pipe rolls 1130-c.1300
Keywords: economic historyexchequerfinancial records of governmentpipe rolls - Medieval maritime personnel and ships
Keywords: medieval periodnavy - Oaths of loyalty to the Crown and Church of England
Keywords: early modern periodlawyersnonconformistsoath rollsreligious historysacrament certificates - Outlaws and outlawry in medieval and early modern England
Keywords: crime and criminalsearly modern periodlaw and ordermedieval periodoutlaws - Political history in the 16th and 17th centuries
Keywords: 16th century17th centuryearly modern periodpolitical history (general) - Political history in the 18th century
Keywords: 18th centuryearly modern periodpolitical history (general) - Prisoners and convicts
Keywords: central criminal courtconvictscourts of lawcrime and criminalslaw and orderold baileyprisonerstrials - Privy Council since 1386
Keywords: early modern periodforeign affairslaw and orderlegislationprivy council - Religious houses and their lands c.1000-1530
Keywords: abbeyschurch landsmonasteriesreligious history - Royal grants in letters patent and charters from 1199
Keywords: chartersearly modern periodlandland ownershipletters patentpatent rollsroyal grants - Royal Household and Wardrobe
Keywords: crown servantsearly modern periodroyal householdroyal servantsroyal warrant holderstradesmen - Seals
Keywords: heraldryseals - State Papers Domestic 1547-1649: Tudor and Stuart government papers
Keywords: 16th century17th centurycivil war (english)early modern periodpolitical history (general)state papers - State Papers Domestic 1642-1660: Government papers from the Civil Wars and Interregnum
Keywords: 17th centurycivil war (english)commonwealth 1649-1660early modern periodpolitical history (general)state papers - State Papers Domestic 1660-1714: Stuart government papers after the Restoration
Keywords: 17th century18th centuryearly modern periodpolitical history (general)state papers - State Papers Domestic 1714-1782: Hanoverian government papers
Keywords: 18th centuryearly modern periodjacobitespolitical history (general)state papers - State Papers Foreign 1509-1782: Government papers on foreign affairs
Keywords: 16th century17th century18th centurydiplomacyearly modern periodforeign affairsinternational relationsstate papers - State Papers Ireland 1509-1782: government papers on Irish affairs
Keywords: 16th century17th century18th centuryearly modern periodirelandstate papers - Taxation
Keywords: economic historyfinancial records of governmentinland revenuetaxation - Taxation before 1689
Keywords: economic historyexchequerfinancial records of governmenthearth taxtaxation - Wills and administrations before 1858
Keywords: administrations of probatedeath duties (tax)deathsduties and taxesearly modern periodprerogative court of canterburyprobatetaxes and dutieswills