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Civil court cases: an overview
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Criminal court cases: an overview
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Prisoners and convicts
Recommended guide - Bankrupts and insolvent debtors
Keywords: bankruptsdebtorsinsolvencyprisonersprisons - Civil court cases: assize courts 1656-1971
Keywords: assize courtscivil litigationcourts of lawearly modern periodlaw and ordertrials - Civil court cases: Chancery Division since 1875
Keywords: chancery (court of)civil litigationcourts of lawlaw and ordertrials - Civil court cases: Chancery equity suits 1558-1875
Keywords: chancery (court of)civil litigationcourts of lawearly modern periodequity courtslaw and ordertrials - Civil court cases: Chancery equity suits before 1558
Keywords: chancery (court of)civil litigationcourts of lawearly modern periodequity courtslaw and ordertrials - Civil court cases: Court of Common Pleas
Keywords: civil litigationcommon pleas (court)courts of lawearly modern periodlaw and order - Civil court cases: disputed wills
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawdeathsearly modern periodlaw and orderprerogative court of canterburyprobatetrialswills - Civil court cases: King’s/Queen’s Bench 1702-1998
Keywords: courts of lawkings bench (court of)law and orderqueen's bench (court of)trials - Civil courts: appeal cases after 1875
Keywords: chancery (court of)civil litigationcourts of lawlaw and ordertrials - Coroners’ inquests
Keywords: coronersdeathsinquests - Country court death duty registers 1796-1811
Keywords: digitised recordsonline collections All records viewable online - Court of Exchequer
Keywords: courts of lawearly modern periodequity courtsexchequerlaw and order - Court of King’s Bench records 1200-1702
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawkings bench (court of)law and ordertrials - Court of Requests records 1485-1642
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawearly modern periodequity courtslaw and orderrequests (court of)trials - Court of Star Chamber records 1485-1642
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawearly modern periodequity courtslaw and orderstar chamber (court of)trials - Court of Wards and Liveries 1540-1645: land inheritance and disputes
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawdeeds (property ownership)early modern periodlandland ownershipwards and liveries (court of) - Courts martial and desertion in the British Army 17th-20th centuries
Keywords: armybritish armycourts martialdeserters (armed forces)first world warsecond world warsoldierworld war oneworld war two - Courts of law records held in other archives
Keywords: civil litigationconvictscourts of lawcrime and criminalscriminal courtslaw and ordertrials - Criminal court cases: assize courts 1559-1971
Keywords: assize courtscourts of lawcrime and criminalscriminal courtsearly modern periodlaw and ordertrials - Criminal court cases: Crown courts since 1972
Keywords: central criminal courtcourts of lawcrime and criminalscriminal courtscrown courtslaw and ordermagistrates' courtsold baileytrials - Criminal court cases: King’s/Queen’s Bench 1675-1988
Keywords: courts of lawcriminal courtskings bench (court of)law and ordertrials - Criminal court cases: Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court)
Keywords: central criminal courtcourts of lawcrime and criminalscriminal courtslaw and orderold baileytrials - Criminal courts: appeal cases
Keywords: courts of lawcrime and criminalscriminal courtslaw and ordertrials - Criminal transportation
Keywords: australia (transportation to)convictscrime and criminalsprisonerstransportation (punishment) - Death duties 1796-1903
Keywords: administrations of probatedeath duties (tax)deathsduties and taxeslegacies (probate)probatetaxes and dutieswills - Divorce
Keywords: annulment of marriagecourts of lawdivorce - Funds in court
Keywords: courts of lawdormant fundsfunds in courtlegacies (probate)money in chanceryprobate - High Court of Admiralty
Keywords: admiraltycoloniescourts of lawhigh court of admiraltyshippingtrials - Home Office correspondence from 1782
Keywords: crime and criminalshealthhome officepoverty - Inquisitions post mortem: land ownership and inheritance in the medieval and early modern periods
Keywords: early modern periodinquisitions post mortemlandland ownership - Land and property ownership: conveyances by feet of fines 1182-1833
Keywords: conveyance of landdeeds (property ownership)early modern periodfines (land conveyances)landland ownership - Outlaws and outlawry in medieval and early modern England
Keywords: crime and criminalsearly modern periodlaw and ordermedieval periodoutlaws - Prisoners and prison staff
Keywords: - Prisons and prison staff
Keywords: law and orderprison staffprisons - Victorian prisoners’ photograph albums 1872-1873
Keywords: digitised recordsonline collectionsphotographsprisoners All records viewable online - War crimes 1939-1945
Keywords: control commissionnazi germanynuremberg trialssecond world warwar crimesworld war two