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How to look for records of...
- Births, marriages and deaths at sea or abroad
Keywords: birthscoloniesdeathsmarriagesmerchant navyshipping - Births, marriages and deaths in England and Wales
Keywords: baptismsbirthsdeathsmarriages - Births, marriages and deaths in Scotland and Ireland
Keywords: birthsdeathsirelandmarriagesscotland - Births, marriages and deaths in the armed forces
Keywords: armybirthsbritish armydeathsmarriagesnavyrafroyal air forceroyal marinesroyal navy - Births, marriages and deaths in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
Keywords: birthsdeathsmarriages - British Army casualty lists 1939-1945
Keywords: armybritish armydeathsdigitised recordsonline collectionssecond world warsoldierworld war two All records viewable online - Civil court cases: disputed wills
Keywords: civil litigationcourts of lawdeathsearly modern periodlaw and orderprerogative court of canterburyprobatetrialswills - Coroners’ inquests
Keywords: coronersdeathsinquests - Death duties 1796-1903
Keywords: administrations of probatedeath duties (tax)deathsduties and taxeslegacies (probate)probatetaxes and dutieswills - Deaths in the First and Second World Wars
Keywords: casualties of wardeathsfirst world warsecond world warworld war oneworld war two - Nonconformists
Keywords: baptismsbirthsdeathsearly modern periodmarriagesnonconformistsreligious history - Where to go for birth, marriage and death certificates
Keywords: birthsdeathsmarriages - Wills and administrations before 1858
Keywords: administrations of probatedeath duties (tax)deathsduties and taxesearly modern periodprerogative court of canterburyprobatetaxes and dutieswills