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How to look for records of...
- Available on:British Army casualty lists 1939-1945
Keywords: armybritish armydeathsdigitised recordsonline collectionssecond world warsoldierworld war two All records viewable online - Durham Home Guard 1939-1945
Keywords: digitised recordsonline collections All records viewable online - French muster rolls from the Battle of Trafalgar 1805
Keywords: digitised recordshigh court of admiraltyonline collectionstrafalgar (battle of) All records viewable online - Household Cavalry soldiers’ service records 1799-1920
Keywords: digitised recordsonline collections All records viewable online - Royal Navy ships of exploration logs and journals 1757-1904
Keywords: admiraltydigitised recordslog books (ships)navyonline collectionsroyal navyshipping All records viewable online - Wills of Royal Navy and Royal Marines personnel 1786-1882
Keywords: digitised recordsonline collections All records viewable online