Archaeology in the Archives
Suitable for: Key stage 2
Time period: Interwar 1918-1939
Curriculum topics: Diverse histories, Events beyond living memory KS1, Significant individuals, The achievements of the Earliest Civilisations
Suggested inquiry questions: What kinds of documents can tell us about the work of archaeologists?
Potential activities: Follow the video activity. Create a cardboard model based on photographs. Write your own dig journal. Complete themed colouring sheets. Create a fact file.
Today we are going digging but where are we traveling to? Come and see what documents we have related to a famous excavation that took place nearly a hundred years ago. What was discovered what much older than that!
Part One
We are going to start with a quick look at two different documents – what clues can you spot to the country we are visiting today? Our Mystery document today requires some very close inspection, what will you find?
Part Two
Let’s see what features you have spotted that help us come to a conclusion about what this document is? What does it show us about a famous excavation…?
Part Three
Join me with your imagine switched on and all your senses ready to see, feel, taste, smell and hear your way on a journey back in time!
Additional documents to investigate
1) OS 1/384 (23) and OS 1/384 (5)
2) COPY 1/427 (1)
Further activities
You could recreate the tomb of Tutankhamun out of an old cardboard shoe box. Use the colour photographs from the Griffith Institute from the video (or find more online) to recreate the inside.
If you like making models you could recreate the Pyramid scene from the OS 1/384 documents, including the Sphinx.
You could even create your own dig journal about the excavations as if you were Howard Carter. Or pretend you were Ramsey Macdonald and design a postcard to send home about your exciting holiday in the Valley of the Kings.
There are lots of great colouring sheets and Hieroglyph alphabets online for you to try. Or you could visit the British Museum’s website to see more Egyptian artefacts.
Do some research about Tutankhamun and create a fact file about him or the job of an Archaeologist.
External links
Griffith Institute
British Museum
Back to topSuitable for: Key stage 2
Time period: Interwar 1918-1939
Curriculum topics: Diverse histories, Events beyond living memory KS1, Significant individuals, The achievements of the Earliest Civilisations
Suggested inquiry questions: What kinds of documents can tell us about the work of archaeologists?
Potential activities: Follow the video activity. Create a cardboard model based on photographs. Write your own dig journal. Complete themed colouring sheets. Create a fact file.