Letter of concern

Letter sent to Lord Halifax, Foreign Secretary dated 31 0ctober 1938 (HO 213/302)

The Haven
Exley Gardens
Oct. 31st 1938

Lord Halifax,

Dear Sir,

I am deeply concerned for the plight of the German girls and boys, who, after leaving school find life made intolerable for them owing to the racial and religious
differences in their own country. That feeling of concern is my only excuse for taking up the valuable time of one whose onerous duties render inexcusable any intrusion of lesser import.

If I could succeed in eliciting your support in any one of the following schemes I feel that it’s [sic] ultimate success would be assured:-

1) Would migration to England of these young people be facilitated by their temporary adoption by English families?

2) Is it possible to arouse the interest of a body of voluntary workers to form an institution for providing food, refuge or employment for them?
3) Would you, sir, give permission for a broadcast appeal for co-operation from British families, or an appeal to local authorities to give friendly aid in the housing, clothing & employment of them?

4) Would you, sir, give assistance in obtaining visas for them?

5) Would you, sir, assist the writer in his efforts by placing with him your written full approval of the scheme?

If, in your wider experience of such matters you consider the above suggestions impracticable, would you advise me as to how these unfortunate young people can best be helped by young English people?

Needless to state, any assistance or advice that you can offer to me will not be undervalued.

I beg to remain,
Yours respectfully,
J H Harker

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