Alistair Dowling: I would like to know if TNA hold any papers or are planning to have any records transferred to TNA from his time as Chancellor of the Exchequer
No information held.
TNA does not hold information in relation to your request.
We are also unable to comment on the transfer of records relating to Alistair Darling during his tenure as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Under section 3 of the Public Records Act it is the responsibility of Government departments to appraise their records and select those worthy of permanent preservation to be transferred to The National Archives or an approved Place of Deposit at or before they reach 20 years old. Records dating from 2007, that are selected for permanent preservation, would be due for transfer in 2027.
The Public Records Act 1958 previously required relevant government bodies to select and transfer records of historical interest to The National Archives or Places of Deposit at or before the records reached 30 years old. In 2010, this period was amended to 20 years under the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act (CRGA) 2010. A transitional timetable was introduced over a 10 year period (to 2023) to incrementally transfer from a 30 year to a 20 year period. For more information on the 20 year rule please see our published guidance.
Please note, HM Treasury has previously transferred the papers of various Chancellors of the Exchequer to The National Archives. These can be found through searching TNA online catalogue Discovery; Search results: Chancellors of the Exchequer | The National Archives.
You may wish to contact HM Treasury directly for further information relating to your request. FOI requests to HM Treasury can be made to:
Information Rights Unit
1 Horse Guards Road
United Kingdom