Frequently Asked Questions
How can I submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request?
You can make an FOI request for a closed record when you are browsing Discovery, our online catalogue, by selecting the ‘Submit FOI request’ button to the right of the closed record description.
You can also make an FOI request via our online contact form or by post, addressing your enquiry to: Enquiry Service, The National Archives, Kew, Richmond TW9 4DU.
If you are submitting your request by post please include a description of the information you are looking for. Please remember to provide a contact name and address and remember that we will have a better chance of finding the information you seek if you include as much detail as possible.
What is the timescale for dealing with a new FOI request?
Please be aware that we are currently receiving a very high number of new FOI requests, which, together with managing a backlog of work accrued during the pandemic, means that there may be a delay before requests are concluded.
We have published a guide on our website, which explains the normal timeframe for processing FOI requests, outlining the statutory deadlines.
FOI requests are, as far as possible, dealt with in the order they were received and on a case-by-case basis. Some records comprise just a few pages, while others consist of a number of boxes. The time spent on each request can vary a great deal and, until a record is assessed, it is not always possible to estimate how complex and time consuming the work will be. In some cases it may be possible to release a redacted version of a record and again, the amount of work this involves can vary enormously.
For these reasons, it is not possible to provide a general timescale for the processing of requests.
We appreciate your continued patience while we work on your requests. We will provide you with regular updates as to the progress of you requests and will aim to provide you with substantive responses as soon as we are able.
How long will it be before I can see a newly opened record, or order a copy of it?
Archival records which have been released as a result of a successful FOI request will typically become available within five working days of the date on which the final FOI response was sent to the requester.
The National Archives is open to the public – for more information about visiting, including opening times, please click here.
If a personal visit is not convenient you may wish to use our paid search service, employ an independent researcher or utilise our record copying service. For the latest information about this service, please click here.
Why is the Public Interest Test taking so long?
The Public Interest Test (PIT) is a legal requirement under the Freedom of Information Act. It involves several stages which can in normal circumstances take time to complete. In this current environment additional factors have contributed to delays to the FOI request process, which includes the PIT test.
There are some cases which require departments to access the records at Kew. We were unable to facilitate this part of the process while access to The National Archives was restricted during the pandemic. The FOI Centre also had limited access to the records requested, which slowed down the review process and our ability to resolve requests as quickly as we would have liked.
In addition, the other government departments that make the arguments for and against the opening of a record held at The National Archives are also operating differently, as they have adapted to coronavirus (COVID-19) issues and remote working.
Despite our best efforts to maintain a normal FOI service throughout the pandemic, it has not always been possible. We are working hard with all the parties involved to resolve requests and public interest tests as quickly as possible to address the backlog of work which has arisen as a result of the pandemic. Please find a summary of the PIT process below.
Stage One: Government department performs the PIT test
It is the responsibility of the transferring government department to perform the PIT test, where they consider the public arguments in favour of, and against, the release of the information. Sometimes the formulation of these arguments requires input from more than one government department.
Stage Two: Independent evaluation
This occurs through consultation of the Advisory Council on National Records and Archives (ACNRA) representatives, who are consulted on the use of the qualified exemption via what we refer to as a Panel.
Panels are comprised of three members of the Council, who are sent the necessary papers and asked to consult as necessary and report their conclusions to the Secretary of the Advisory Council.
The public interest test considerations are provided to the panel by the department who transferred the file, not by The National Archives. The panel may then ask questions about the application of the exemption and/or query any aspect of the case with the transferring department and The National Archives. The panel’s decision about whether the exemption is justified is finally communicated to the FOI Assessor handling the case, who will then inform the requester in writing.
You told me a redacted version of the record would be released. Why is it taking so long?
As a result of the backlog of work caused by the pandemic, there are occasions when redaction work takes longer than usual. We appreciate your continued patience while we work on your requests. As soon as we are able, we will update requesters accordingly.
What measures have been put in place to deal with the backlog of work created by the pandemic?
Despite the challenges, we have implemented new ways of working (agreements – MOUs) that should help us to successfully conclude more FOIAs within compliance.
We will continue to consult the guidance issued by Information Commissioner’s Office.