Further to a FOI request made in December last year, (CAS-99508), I would like to make a related request.
Can you supply me with a list of titles of the ES and AB files which were withdrawn for review at the request of the Ministry of Defence in July 2018, and the date of each files creation?
I anticipate a spreadsheet with reference numbers, titles, and dates which may run to more than 7,000 documents. If this exceeds the cost limit for an FOI request, and it is possible to do so, then please try to give me as much information as possible about the titles or types of files in the series, broken down into as much detail as you can provide within the cost limits.
Information provided
Please see the attached schedule of relevant records. To clarify, the Ministry of Defence requested the National Archives to place all records within the ES series ‘access under review’ in July of 2018. A subsequent request for the AB records series was made in November of 2018.
The attached schedule is therefore limited to ES records held at the National Archives. All files that were already retained by the Ministry of Defence under Section 3(4) of the Public Records Act 1958 at the time of their request have been removed from the schedule, but can be found by searching our online catalogue, Discovery.