AIR 26/168 is recorded in the catalogue as missing at transfer. I would like to know:
1. At what stage in the transfer process TNA believe that the document went missing;
2. What action was taken, if appropriate by TNA to identify where the document may be; and
3. Whether TNA believe this document may be held by another repository or misfiled within another document.
This document is being sought as it may help confirm or dispel two key beliefs about this unit. Firstly, it is believed that during this time members of this unit may have been working closely with American armed forces monitoring wind borne nuclear fallout and, secondly, why there was a delay in the repatriation of some the unit which resulted in at least one corporal returning to UK in a first class cabin on a scheduled, non military, ship.
Thank-you in advance for your assistance in this request.
Information provided.
1. At what stage in the transfer process TNA believe that the document went missing?
AIR 26/168 was noted as being “Missing at transfer” in October 1971 when related records were being prepared for transfer from the Ministry of Defence.
2. What action was taken, if appropriate by TNA to identify where the document may be?
The National Archives ensures that the transferring body carries out a comprehensive search before accepting that a record will be catalogued as “Missing at transfer”.
3. Whether TNA believe this document may be held by another repository or misfiled within another document.
This record could not be located by the Ministry of Defence when related records were being prepared for transfer. The National Archives has no further information about this record or its possible location beyond the fact that it was not included with related records when these were transferred in 1971.