From a collection of information about Royal visits is a document relating to the visit of King George VI, Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother), Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret to Swaziland [today Eswatini] in March 1947. It is an address by the Paramount Chief of Swaziland, including a song performed by school children, translated into English. Document reference: FCO 141/17537.
You can download the full digitised document via Discovery, our online catalogue: Visit to Swaziland
Farewell Song by the Swazi Scholars at the
Mahamba Border
25th March – afternoon
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I We are greatly honoured by the visit
of the Royal family into Swaziland.
At this moment, the Swazi scholars
bid the Royal family – Good-bye
as they now enter into the Union.
II May God the Almighty be with
the Royal family,
And so guard and guide them
till they reach their respective destinations safely,
and finally reach Home in peace.
This is the wish from the Swazi Scholars.
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Translated into English
by Principal M.M. Dhlamini,
Mahamba Secondary School.
A bunch of flowers to be presented to Her Majesty the Queen by the young Swazi Girls.
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