The National Archives provides further guidance on preparing digital records for transfer on this page.
Working with CSV files in Excel
If you are transferring records using the DROID and encrypted HDD (Hard Disk Drive) route, you will need to use two tools developed by The National Archives: DROID and the CSV Validator. DROID generates a DROID CSV export, which you can then use to create the metadata CSV file, your main working document during this process. Both files behave very much like an Excel file and it will be useful for you to be a competent Excel user.
Below is a selection of videos to help you use these tools and successfully prepare your digital records for transfer.
Copying and pasting in Excel
Here is a simple tutorial on how to use ‘Copy and Paste’ in Excel to populate single fields, connected and disconnected cells in the CSV files.
Finding terms in Excel
Here is a simple tutorial on how to use ‘Find’ in Excel. This will be helpful for you to use while searching for terms and text strings in the CSV files.
Sorting in Excel
Here is a simple tutorial on how to use ‘Sort’ in Excel to analyse values in the CSV files.
Filtering in Excel
Here is a simple tutorial on how to use ‘Filter’ in Excel to analyse the CSV files.
Conditional formatting in Excel
Here is a simple tutorial on how to use ‘Conditional Formatting’ in Excel to highlight duplicate values in the CSV files.
Further guidance and forms
Redaction toolkit (PDF, 0.18 MB)
File formats for transfer to The National Archives
Populating metadata for redacted born digital records 2018 (PDF, 1 MB)
High-level guidance covering the first three levels of catalogue entries (department, division and series)
Guidance and forms for DROID and encrypted HDD transfer method:
Digital Transfer Form
Delivery form for digital records (DOC, 0.07 MB)
Template for validating metadata CSV files and generating DROID report desk instructions 2024 (PDF, 1 MB)