The National Archives receives transfers of any digital formats. For digital records we are happy to take early transfer of material prior to the 20-year rule. We have transferred early records from several Inquiries and Inquests.
Under the 20-year rule you will transfer selected, sensitivity-reviewed digital records 20 years after they are created. Until then, you must safeguard the records and actively manage their digital continuity to maintain your ability to find, open, understand and trust them over time and through change. While this page gives guidance specifically for the transfer of digital records, you can find more information on how to ensure digital continuity in our guidance on the topic.
Additional guidance is available regarding statutory obligations for transferring records under the Public Records Act.
The National Archives receives transfers of any digital formats. For digital records we are happy to take early transfer of material prior to the 20-year rule.
Transfer Digital Records (TDR) is The National Archives’ new digital transfer service that helps bodies subject to the Public Record Act upload, prepare and transfer their selected digital public records for permanent preservation.
Born-digital records are records that have been natively created in digital format (rather than digitised from paper records).
Once these five steps have been completed, digital records may be delivered to The National Archives.
Find more information, guidance and the forms you will have to complete.
This page sets out the range of digital file formats that The National Archives can currently sustain over the long term.