Coded Cato speech

These are coded strips of paper: when placed in the correct order they formed a speech by James Watson to be addressed to soldiers to join the cause against the government. They were accompanied by a note, signed by “G E” which gave directions about how to re-create the speech. [Possibly G E refers to George Edwards, the government spy and provocateur involved in the Cato Street conspiracy who passed on this information to the authorities, or perhaps it came from another informant].

(Catalogue reference HO 44/4/9)


1a         2b         3c         4d          5e        6f

BN         EA        JT           UU        SR       TE

Place the strips in the order of the above letters which are (Be just nature). I shall send the remainder tomorrow.

G.E. January 29 1820

Brave Soldiers, the Tyrants are no
more! Make common cause with the
people !
Think of your fathers mothers and
friends! Be just to the miseries they
have long endured! Be just to your selves!
Be brave and be free !!!
Join the people; to be the freest
nation on earth then you will
be the most prosperous and happy
Wait for in struct ions from
the Provisional Government it is engaged in
projecting measures to reward you  for your  services
Your condition will be made happy. Obey
the provis ional decrees. You are
brave be just to your countries wrongs.  Fate
demand Justice demands protection of the Rights
of man. and a A great reward Is your Right



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