Samuel Bamford to Mrs Jemima Bamford, Middleton, Lancashire, 11 April 1817 (HO 42/163 f.365)
Cold Bath Fields Prison 11th Ap. 1817
Dear Wife,
I write to inform you that I am well in health. Was examined yesterday & committed for further examination which will take place next Tuesday. I am not permitted to write much to you, but I have the satisfaction to inform you, you have nothing to fear regret on my account save my absence, give not way to ungrounded fears. A Reformer’s wife ought to be a heroine, comfort yourself and my dear child & my Father. Send my trousers my other hat, white handkerchief &c. &c. &c. as I wish to be decent.
I am yours very Affectionately
Samuel Bamford
John Lancashire is well & will write next week.