From 1916 onwards Officers’ Command Depots were set up for the rehabilitation of soldiers too fit for a convalescent camp, but not fit enough to return to a unit. This card recorded sessions for electrical massage know as faradic treatment at Ripon (South) Officers’ Command Depot. An electrical current was used to stimulate the blood supply in the muscles of wasted limbs. Sometimes it was employed to treat shell shock cases. (Catalogue ref: MH 106/2139)
Electrical Massage treatment
Leicester Regiment
Depot No. 384 Rank 2nd Lieutenant Name: York R.J.
Company A Division III A
Diability G.W.S. [Gunshot wound] Rear Arm left
Treatment ordered ½ Hour Faradic
Treatment begun, Date——————————————————————–
3.30 8.10.18
Treatment ended 31.12.18
Result Some improvement