Hearing aids for ‘gun deafness’

Extract from a brochure produced by company called Stols about their hearing aid, the ELECTROPHONE sent to the Ministry of Pensions. In this page makes a direct appeal to ex-service men of the First World War, (Catalogue ref: PIN 38/450).


MANY thousands of Soldiers and Sailors have had their hearing afflicted by artillery fire- the din and all the shocks connected with it having been too great a strain for the delicate mechanism of the ear.

If you are a man affected in this way-if you have a Soldier or Sailor relative or friend suffering from gun deafness-get in touch with the Stols Electrophone Co. and learn how relief can be given.

GUN-DEAFNESS may be temporary or permanent; in any case it is annoying and even painful. If speedy relief is desired, or if permanent relief is necessary, the Stols Electrophone should be chosen.

In cases like these especially its special device, enabling the instrument to be adjusted to the degree of deafness existing, is of advantage beyond description.

Letter to the Ministry of Pensions from Fortiphone, another hearing aid manufacturer, 23 February 1926, (Catalogue ref: PIN 38/450)


Langham House

308 Regent St.

London W.1


Medical Services Division                                                              February 23rd, 1926

Ministry of Pensions

Sanctuary Buildings

Great Smith Street




We invite your attention to the Fortiphone hearing instruments for the deaf as illustrated in the enclosed catalogue.

The Fortiphone represents a distinct departure from the old style of hearing aids and embodies many new and exclusive features which mark it as being unquestionably superior to any other device made for similar purposes.

We may state that we have already demonstrated the Fortiphone to a number of former soldiers who are receiving pensions from the Government. These men have found the Fortiphone most satisfactory and have declared it to by far the most advantageous aid they have tried.

We respectfully invite your investigation of the Fortiphone, and we will be very glad to allow you a discount of 33-1/3% from list prices.

Assuring you of our desire to serve you in every way possible,


We are,

Yours faithfully,


S. Sylvester

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