Extracts from a war diary about dental treatment and sanitation plans by the 24th Ambulance plans at Doulieu, July 1915. (Catalogue ref: WO 95/1703)
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | Remarks and references to Appendices |
DOULIEU | July 6th Cont.’d | Sullage [waste water] water pits (covered in), urine pits (covered in) provided for patients & personnel. Latrines provided with biscuits tins in biscuit boxes so that urine and faeces are separated, the latter being incinerated [burnt] with sawdust in an incinerator.
Divisional Rest Station – A large proportion of these patients have rheumatism, many of these have pyorrhoea [inflamed gums with the discharge of pus and loosening of the teeth]. An attempt to treat these cases as dental sepsis is arranged, treatment:- i. Teeth extracted if necessary-tartar removed [a hard deposit that forms on the teeth and can cause decay] ii. These are divided into 3 groups taken at hazard & the pockets in the gums syringed as followed:- Group a) Solution Hydrogen peroxide “ b) “ Salt 3i : Sodium Bicarbonate 3i: loakr o1 “ c) “ 5% common salt (hypertonic) R. Pickard Lt Colonel |
[Diagrams showing]
Latrine boxes Biscuit box opened, inverted, middle 2/4 of bottom cut out becomes a seat over the two biscuit tins, the middle 2/4 being the cover which is replaced after use: Latrine seat, cover, tins in position, position on seat |