Letter from the Mayor of Bristol about a protest against a new turnpike road in the area, 28 June 1727 (SP 36/1/56)
Bristol June 28th 1727
My Lord,
Upon the occasion of the Turnpikes which were erected by an Act of Parliament made last sessions for mending the Roads leading from the City of Bristol, the colliers [coal miners] some hundreds, in Kingswood neighbouring to this city, rose Monday last and continue still assembled in a tumultuous manner and have burnt, pull’d down and destroyed all the said Turnpikes and obstinately persist, if any more are erected, they will serve them in the same manner. They are a set of ungovernable people violent in their way and regardless of consequences, they extort money of people as they pass the Road and treat them very rudely unless they give them some, they have passed through this city with clubs and staves in a noisy manner, but committed no violence here, tho’ I am persuaded had any opposition been made the Consequence would have been fatal under these circumstances. I humbly submit to your prudent care for the security and preservation of the peace of this City and I am,
My Lord, your Lordship’s most Humble and most obedient servant, P. Day, Mayor
Bristol, June 28th 1727