Petition from Richard Carter, Justice of the Grand Sessions, South Wales, June 1730 (SP 36/19/113)
To the King’s most Excellent Majesty
I, Richard Carter Esq. your Majesty’s Senior Justice of the Grand Sessions for the Severall Countys of Glamorgan, Brecon and Radnor in South Wales do most Humbly Certifye unto your Majesty that at the Grand Sessions holden before me at Cardiffe for the said County of Glamorgan on the Nineteenth day of April in the first year of your Majesty’s Reign one Gwladis Llewelin of the Parish of Neath in the said county of Glamorgan Spinster was indicted convicted and received Sentence of Transportation for the felonious taking and carrying away a piece of linen cloath being the property of Jennett Richard, widow and that at the Grand Sessions holden before me at Cardiff aforesaid on the ninth day of Aprille last, Morgan Lewis of Gellygare in the said county of Glamorgan, labourer, was indicted convicted and had sentence of Death pronounced against him for the felonious stealing a Grey Horse being the property of one Elizabeth Lewis widow, but some favourable circumstances appearing in their behalf at their Tryalls, I did thereupon think fit to reprieve them and Doe now most Humbly recommend them to your Majesty as proper Objects of your Mercy to be inserted in the next Generall pardon that shall be issued out for the Oxford Circuit without any condition of Transportation and that in the meantime Bail may be taken for their appearance in order to plead the said pardon…