Hand bill offering a reward for information regarding the theft of bank notes, 24 December 1818 (HO 61/1 f.4)
Public Office, Bow Street, Dec 24, 1818
100 GUINEAS Reward
WHEREAS, on the Night of the 31st October, the undermentioned NOTES of the Sturminster and Dorsetshire Bank, under the Firm of “WARRY, COLBOURNE, BEST, and Co.” were Stolen from the Exeter Mail [coach] and being Payable at the House of Messrs. PRESCOTT, GROTE and Co., Bankers, London, Payment thereof has been stopped:- Notice is thereby given, that whoever shall give information of the Parties whole stole the same, shall upon Conviction, receive the above Reward, by applying to Mr. John Stafford, Chief Clerk at the Public Office, Bow Street; or Mr. THOMAS WARRY, Solicitor, No.7, New Inn, London:-
[N.B. Serial numbers for ten, five and one pound notes were listed on the bill, these have not been transcribed]
The person first described [below] purchased a new pair of Wellington Boots at Bath, marked in the Inside “Jones, No.16262”, and it was observed by the Bootmaker that he was awkward about the Feet, and that all his Toes seemed to be nearly of the same Length. The Boots which he bought were stuffed at the Point with Wool to be more easy for Walking.
A considerable Number of the above Notes was passed on the 3rd and the 4th Instant, at Cheltenham and Bath, to different Tradesmen, by Two Men, one acting as Servant to the other- The Description of the pretended Master (who called himself Captain Mowbray,) is as follows, viz.—Five feet 9 Inches high, rather of light but sallow Complexion, very dark grey Eyes, small Whiskers, shews a little of the Small Pox, large rough Hands, very large Feet; wears his Boots easy, very genteel in his Manner, rather long Visage, high Cheek Bones rather tapering towards the Chin, which is rather sharp, good Teeth, thick brown Eyebrows, Nose rather long and a little hooked at the Point, but Nostrils rather large and flat, good looking, and very sharp and quick with his Eyes; active and bustling and well made, very much the Appearance and Manners of a Gentleman; brown Hair cut in the common Way; From his having his Boots and Shoes made easy, it is supposed his quick Walking was affected; remarkably ready and quick at Figures, carries himself upright—Was dressed in a black Coat and Waistcoat, with a blue Great Coat over, blue cloth Trowsers, and Wellington Boots, had 3 or 4 embossed Seals, and a blue Amethyst embossed Key was purchased at Bath with a Stone in the Middle, which he put upon his Watch. The Description of the other Man. Is, an Inch or two shorter than the Other, about 5 Feet 7, darker Complexion, open Countenance, small Whiskers of a sandy colour, light brown Hair, hazel Eyes, rather short dumpy Nose, not lusty nor thin, but middling—He acted as Servant to the Other and made himself appear like one—He had on a drab coloured Great Coat with Pockets outside—Took off his Hat like a Servant and smoothed down his Hair which was particularly smooth on the Crown; upright in his Stature; rather low Forehead or perhaps it appeared so from the Smoothness of the Hair, rather a wide Mouth. They had several Great Coats with them, a Black Portmanteau [large suitcase for carrying clothes], and several parcels.—
They both appeared to be about 30 Years of Age.
*** Please to keep this Bill out of Sight.
- Downs, PRINTER, 240, Strand London