Police deny violence

Police statement reporting on a complaint from a suffragette after a demonstration in November 1910 (MEPO 3/203)


Metropolitan Police
Cannon Road Station
‘A’ Division
7th March 1911

Statement of George Bingham P.C.336A,

Who saith:

On 22nd November last, the occasion of the Suffragette raid on Downing Street. I was on duty in plain clothes acting as cyclist messenger and when not so engaged I was assisting the Inspectors in the Parade Room, and occasionally I was employed to show Police with prisoners up the staircase. In all cases the women went voluntarily & quietly, and I did not see one case of any PC having to handle his prisoner. They were all treated kindly & courteously.

I saw no case of a woman being urged forward and thumped as alleged in attached.

George Bingham, P.C. 336A

Submitted D. Rolfe, Chief Inspector
G Wells, Superintendant


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