The Beautiful Game
Suitable for: Key stage 2
Time period: Early 20th Century 1901-1918
Curriculum topics: Mental Health, Recreation through time, The First World War
Suggested inquiry questions: What can our documents reveal about an incredible sports match?
Welcome to another edition of Time Travel TV! This time we’ll be exploring documents which reveal how a popular game was played in unusual circumstances over a century ago.
Part One
Take a quick look at part of today’s ‘Mystery Document’- how much can you spot in just 10 seconds?
Part Two
Look at the whole document closely. What more can we find out about this football match? Can you spot a date? Gather evidence and use it to work out what type of document this is.
Part Three
Study our extra document carefully. What can it tell us about where this match was played?
Part Four
Further Activities
Creative writing
Use our documents about football at Ruhleben Camp as inspiration for your own piece of creative writing. This could be a story, a diary entry from the point of view of a player, a poem or even your very own piece of football commentary, describing what the game was like.
Design a football cartoon
Look at these pieces of art from our collection inspired by different football teams and their mascots:
- COPY 1/349 (192)- Aston Villa FC cartoon
- COPY 1/349 (182)- Newcastle United cartoon
Do you have a favourite team? Why not have a go at creating your very own cartoon to represent your team.
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Suitable for: Key stage 2
Time period: Early 20th Century 1901-1918
Curriculum topics: Mental Health, Recreation through time, The First World War
Suggested inquiry questions: What can our documents reveal about an incredible sports match?
Walter Tull
How can we use sources to find out about him?
World Cup 1966
Did England rig the result?