Welcome to Week 4 of Arts Award: Discover at Home.
Over the past few weeks you’ve completed lots of activities in preparation for sharing your work. You’ve explored archive documents on famous buildings in London, and discovered the architect Christopher Wren. You have also met Gemma, a modern day artist, and watched her videos to help you create your own building.
These activities will work towards part four called ‘Share’. An important part of Arts Award is being able to share your arts discoveries and creations. You will explore more archive documents relating to famous exhibition buildings from history. By following the instructions below, we hope these will inspire the main activity: planning and creating an exhibition of your buildings!
Read the information and answer the document questions on your worksheet. The worksheet has space for you plan and design your exhibition, but you can add as much into this as you like! We’d love to see your sketches too.
Download worksheet for week 4 (Word document, 0.09mb)
Download worksheet for week 4 (PDF, 0.09mb)
Download worksheet for week 4 (Accessible PDF, 0.02mb)
The building you have designed will feature in an online exhibition on our Flickr and this means that people from all over the world will be able to see it. The idea of bringing people together to marvel at new inventions, art and design is nothing new. It’s just that in the past, people had to physically travel to an exhibition.
Look carefully at the documents in the links below.
Now that you have watched Gemma’s videos and created your own building out of recycled materials it’s time to share your architectural vision with the world!
Architecture is a form of art, and art needs to be exhibited so that as many people as possible can appreciate it. Your building is going to be part of an online exhibition.
- Have you ever visited an exhibition in a museum, art gallery or online?
- Have you ever wondered what inspired someone to create a particular work of art or an invention? Have you ever seen something in an exhibition that has inspired you to get creative yourself?
Here are some tips to help you get your building ready for the online exhibition.
- Photograph your building from different angles. People will want to see the back as well as the front of the building. Perhaps even a bird’s eye view! Think about whether your building should be photographed in colour or black and white. Could you experiment with lighting the building in different ways, perhaps placing a torch inside it to see what it might look like at night?
- Supporting documents: It might be interesting to share some sketches or plans of your building if you made them so that visitors to the exhibition can see the process you went through. Or you might like to include sketches of the inside of the building.
- Caption your building. Does your building have a name? Or perhaps you could give it a title for example ‘A hospital of the future’ or ‘My fantasy house’.
- Inspiration: What inspired you to design the building in the way that you did? Did you find inspiration in other architecture or the natural world? Perhaps you have tried to convey a feeling or emotion through your building? Write one or two sentences to explain.
Use your worksheet to record this information about your building. You may have completed Gemma’s additional activity of designing the interior of your building too.
After you have completed your planning, photographing and gathering of supporting documents, it is now time to submit and share your work with us! If you do not want your buildings to be displayed on our Flickr gallery, then please let us know when submitting your work. If you do not state this then we will add your photos into the gallery.
In order to achieve your ‘Discover at Home’ certificate you need to ask you adult to help you send your work into us.
- Gather together all of your work for Weeks 1-4. This includes worksheets, drawings, photographs and any other pieces of work you have done.
- Send copies of all of the above via email only to timetravelclub@nationalarchives.gov.uk
- We will enjoy looking through your work and making sure that you have met all the points covered in Arts Award. We will then send you your Arts Award certificate! Well done for all of your hard work!