
Personal pronouns

Nominative ego I
Accusative me me
Genitive mei of me
Dative mihi to me
Ablative me (from) me
Nominative nos we
Accusative nos us
Genitive nostri or nostrum  of us
Dative nobis to us
Ablative nobis from us

Possessive pronouns

These possessive pronouns decline like adjectives.

They indicate possession (to whom something belongs).

Latin Means in English
meus, mea, meum my
tuus, tua, tuum your, yours (one person)
noster, nostra, nostrum our, ours
vester, vestra, vestrum your, yours (two or more people)

Strictly speaking, a personal pronoun for the third person does not exist. Other pronouns are used instead: for example, suus, sua, suum.

Pronouns agree with whatever is owned in

  • number
  • gender
  • case

For example anima, -e (f.) – soul

In Latin, a soul is feminine, whether it belongs to a man or a woman.

In ‘my soul’, ‘soul’ is nominative, feminine, singular and so is ‘my’: anima mea

pater noster our father nominative, masculine, singular
testamentum suum his/her will nominative, neuter, singular

Only meus and noster have a vocative case. The vocative masculine singular of meus is irregular.

meus, mea, meum – my
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative meus mea meum
Vocative mi mea meum
Accusative meum meam meum
Genitive mei mee mei
Dative meo mee meo
Ablative meo mea meo
Masculine Feminine Neuter
mei mee mea
mei mee mea
meos meas mea
meorum mearum meorum
meis meis meis
meis meis meis
tuus, tua, tuum – your, yours (one person)
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative tuus tua tuum
Accusative tuum tuam tuum
Genitive tui tue tui
Dative tuo tue tuo
Ablative tuo tua tuo
Masculine Feminine Neuter
tui tue tua
tuos tuas tua
tuorum tuarum tuorum
tuis tuis tuis
tuis tuis tuis
noster, nostra, nostrum – our, ours
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative noster nostra nostrum
Vocative noster nostra nostrum
Accusative nostrum nostram nostrum
Genitive nostri nostre nostri
Dative nostro nostre nostro
Ablative nostro nostra nostro
Masculine Feminine Neuter
nostri nostre nostra
nostri nostre nostra
nostros nostras nostra
nostrorum nostrarum nostrorum
nostris nostris nostris
nostris nostris nostris
vester, vestra, vestrum – your, yours (two or more people)
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative vester vestra vestrum
Accusative vestrum vestram vestrum
Genitive vestri vestre vestri
Dative vestro vestre vestro
Ablative vestro vestra vestro
Masculine Feminine Neuter
vestri vestre vestra
vestros vestras vestra
vestrorum vestrarum vestrorum
vestris vestris vestris
vestris vestris vestris

Although not strictly a personal pronoun, suus, sua, suum has been included in this section, for ease of reference.

suus, sua, suum – his, her, its, their (own)
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative suus sua suum
Accusative suum suam suum
Genitive sui sue sui
Dative suo sue suo
Ablative suo sua suo
Masculine Feminine Neuter
sui sue sua
suos suas sua
suorum suarum suorum
suis suis suis
suis suis suis

Demonstrative pronouns

hic, hec, hoc

Has two meanings

  • This’ when its an adjective – describing a noun
  • He, she, it’ when its a pronoun – standing in for a noun

When used to mean ‘this’, the noun it relates to is nearby.

hic, hec, hoc agrees with the noun it relates to.

Case Masculine Feminine Neuter Means when Adjective Means when Pronoun
Nominative hic hec hoc this he, she, it
Accusative hunc hanc hoc this him, her, it
Genitive huius huius huius of this his, her, its
Dative huic huic huic to this to him/her/it
Ablative hoc hac hoc by this by him/her/it
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter Means when Adjective Means when Pronoun
Nominative hi he hec these they
Accusative hos has hec these them
Genitive horum harum horum of these their
Dative his or hiis his or hiis his or hiis to these to them
Ablative his or hiis his or hiis his or hiis by these by them

Another demonstrative pronoun used to indicate possession is is, ea, id.
It has only been used in this tutorial in the genitive, when it means ‘his, her, its’.

is , ea, id – his, her, its, their, that
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative is ea id
Accusative eum eam id
Genitive eius eius eius
Dative ei ei ei
Ablative eo ea eo
Masculine Feminine Neuter
ii eae ea
eos eas ea
eorum earum eorum
eis, iis eis, iis eis, iis
eis, iis eis, iis eis, iis

‘-dem’ can be added onto any declension of is, ea, id, to mean ‘the same’.

Relative pronouns

qui, que, quod

This means

  • who , whom – when masculine or feminine
  • which – when neuter
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter Means
Nominative qui que quod who/which
Accusative quem quam quod whom/which
Genitive cuius cuius cuius whose, of whom
Dative cui cui cui to whom, to which
Ablative quo qua quo by whom/which; in whom/which
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter Means
Nominative qui que que who/which
Accusative quos quas que whom/which
Genitive quorum quarum quorum whose, of whom
Dative quibus quibus quibus to whom, to which
Ablative quibus quibus quibus by whom/which; in whom/which

There is no vocative case for qui, que, quod.

To work out which form of qui, que or quod to use, take the

  • number from the noun that it replaces
  • gender from the noun that it replaces
  • case from its relationship with the verb in its part of the sentence


Latin English Latin English
unus , –a, –um one primus , –a, –um first
duo , due, duo two secundus second
tres , tria three tertius third
quattuor four quartus fourth
quinque five quintus fifth
sex six sextus sixth
septem seven septimus seventh
octo eight octavus eighth
novem nine nonus nineth
decem ten decimus tenth
undecim eleven undecimus eleventh
duodecim twelve duodecimus twelfth
tredecim thirteen tertius decimus thirteenth
quattuordecim fourteen quartus decimus fourteenth
quindecim fifteen quintus decimus fifteenth
sedecim sixteen sextus decimus sixteenth
septemdecim seventeen septimus decimus seventeenth
duodeviginti eighteen duodevicesimus eighteenth
undeviginti nineteen undevicesimus nineteenth
viginti twenty vicesimus twentieth
viginti unus twenty one vicesimus primus twenty first
viginti duo twenty two vicesimus secundus twenty second
viginti tres twenty three vicesimus tertius twenty third
viginti quattuor twenty four vicesimus quartus twenty fourth
viginti quinque twenty five vicesimus quintus twenty fifth
viginti sex twenty six vicesimus sextus twenty sixth
viginti septem twenty seven vicesimus septimus twenty seventh
viginti octo twenty eight vicesimus octavus twenty eighth
viginti novem twenty nine vicesimus nonus twenty ninth
triginta thirty tricesimus thirtieth
quadraginta forty quadragesimus fortieth
quinquaginta fifty quinquagesimus fiftieth
sexaginta sixty sexagesimus sixtieth
septuaginta seventy septuagesimus seventieth
octoginta eighty octogesimus eightieth
nonaginta ninety nonagesimus ninetieth
centum one hundred centesimus one hundreth
centum et unus one hundred and one centesimus primus one hundred and first
ducenti , –ae, –a two hundred ducentesimus two hundredth
trecenti three hundred trecentesimus three hundredth
quadringenti four hundred quadringentesimus four hundredth
quingenti five hundred quingentesimus five hundredth
sescenti six hundred sescentesimus six hundredth
septingenti seven hundred septingentesimus seven hundredth
octingenti eight hundred octingentesimus eight hundredth
nongenti nine hundred nongentesimus nine hundredth
mille one thousand millesimus thousandth

Numbers that decline

unus, -a, -um is declined here

Remember that all other numbers can only be plural.

duo two
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative duo due duo
Accusative duo(s) duas duo
Genitive duorum duarum duorum
Dative duobus duabus duobus
Ablative duobus duabus duobus


tres three
Case Masculine and Feminine Neuter
Nominative tres tria
Accusative tres tria
Genitive trium trium
Dative tribus tribus
Ablative tribus tribus


ducenti, -ae, -a two hundred declines like bonus, -a, -um.

Numbers used in dates

In dates, the ablative of first, second, third, etc. is used.

Generally, this means that the ‘-us’ ending becomes an ‘-o’.