Delegations of Authority

Delegations of Authority are granted by The National Archives to enable government departments or agencies to license the re-use of Crown copyright material they produce outside the terms of the Open Government Licence. Delegations of Authority are only granted where licensing outside Open Government Licence terms is permitted by the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 (the Regulations), and where proper account has been taken of government policy that wherever possible, public sector information should be made available under Open Government Licence terms.

How to apply for a Delegation of Authority

  • The body requiring a Delegation should contact the Copyright team at The National Archives to discuss its proposals.
  • The accounting officer of the body applying for a Delegation will be required to confirm that the licensing of Crown copyright and Crown Database right material will be done according to the requirements of the Regulations and Managing Public Money (or the equivalents for the devolved administrations)
  • The material to be covered by the Delegation will be listed in a schedule to it, which may be amended over time should circumstances change
  • The National Archives will draw up the formal Delegation documentation for signature by the Keeper of Public Records and the accounting officer of the body applying for a Delegation.

Workflow diagram of application process (PDF, 0.19 MB)

All Crown bodies, government departments and agencies have been delegated:


  1. the authority to license the re-use of documents the supply of which falls outside of their public task, and;
  2. the authority to license the re-use of their departmental logos, identifiers and marks.

Material licensed under a Delegation of Authority

Copies of all Delegations of Authority are kept on file at The National Archives. Details of all successful requests are listed in this section.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about Delegations of Authority.