Command and House Papers supplier services

There is a tailored production and distribution service to help government organisations meet the required standards for Command and House Papers.

This service is provided through Lot 1 of the Print Management Services Framework RM6170 (framework), let to HH Global.

The framework is managed on behalf of government by the Crown Commercial Service (CCS). Any queries regarding the framework should be sent to the CCS at

When to use the Lot 1 Command and House Paper Service?

All numbered Command and House of Commons Papers must include page furniture and an official ISBN from HH Global. HH Global also provides Parliament with print copies for MPs and Peers.

These points apply regardless of what other suppliers or services might be used, there are no exceptions. The Command and House Paper Service is optional for unnumbered parliamentary papers.

Contact HH Global at or phone +44 (0)20 3968 4725. Do this in good time to mitigate risk, especially with papers that need several formats.

The CCS has produced customer guidance (section 6.4) about the Command and House Paper Service.

Unnumbered papers: this service can be used for unnumbered Command and Act Papers. If the service is not being used for an unnumbered paper, please ensure the paper includes an ISBN.

Parliamentary format requirements

If you are producing a paper always check Parliament’s format requirements with the relevant parliamentary clerk’s team, which may be in a parent department.


Parliament currently requires papers to be laid as print-ready PDFs, emailed from the appropriate parliamentary clerk’s team. The Vote Office must be copied into the House of Commons laying emails. PDF laying does not, however, preclude Parliament’s need for print copies.

MPs and Peers

For papers to be laid in PDF, also plan for MPs and Peers to have print copies immediately after laying. Copies for Members are not laying copies but must be the same version as the laid PDF. To facilitate these copies ensure HH Global has either:

  1. A copy of the final approved PDF to be laid, as required by HH Global to print and deliver copies to Parliament; or
  2. Print copies produced from the final approved PDF to be laid, as required by HH Global to deliver to Parliament

An exception are annual reports and accounts from non-ministerial departments, agencies and other public bodies listed here. For these papers Parliament does not need print copies for Members. Instead, it is enough to ensure that the Vote Office is copied into the House of Commons laying email.

MPs and Peers copies printed by HH Global are billed directly to Parliament.

20pt Arial and alternative formats

In addition to a print-ready PDF for laying, Parliament may also require a large print 20pt Arial version, in either print or print-ready PDF at be available at laying. It is recommended that a 20pt Arial version is initially planned for and then confirmed by the relevant parliamentary clerk. If a 20pt Arial version is likely, conversion might be easier if the final file of the standard version is in Word with no infographics. Tables do not need to be enlarged.

Alternative formats have their own production timelines and need planning. This could be important if timelines are tight. Web accessible PDFs and 20pt Arial versions require a number of days to produce after the laying version is signed off. More detail can be found in Accessibility and alternative formats.

Using the Command and  House Paper Service

HH Global tailored services:

  • Expert advice about papers’ production and distribution specifications and processes
  • Provision of quotations and timelines
  • Provision and assurance of publication furniture including an ISBN, E number and copyright statement
  • Bibliographic and information services
  • Publication furniture proofing
  • Managing proofing and sign-off of content
  • Demand management of print copy quantities
  • Print management
  • Provision of copies of print-ready PDFs and web-optimised PDFs
  • Alternative formats, including web accessible PDFs and large print/20pt Arial
  • Access to other services, such as typesetting, design, proof reading, reprints and services to correct papers
  • Facilitation of the delivery of print copies for Parliament (not laying print copies)

Contact HH Global in good time for planning purposes and to mitigate risk.

If your organisation is not using HH Global for print copies

If you are not printing copies with HH Global you still need to ensure print copies for MPs and Peers to meet your organisation’s parliamentary obligations. See points 1 and 2 under ‘MPs and Peers’ above.

Contact HH Global in good time to find out if MPs and Peers need print copies. HH Global will confirm:

  • the date and time you need to have the paper’s final print-ready PDF with HH Global

Or, if a print PDF is not being supplied:

  • the number of print copies you need to deliver to HH Global for onward delivery to Parliament (not laying copies)
  • the labelling, packing and delivery instructions for the print copies
  • the date and time by which correctly labelled and packaged print copies must be delivered to HH Global, ensuring parcels are marked FAO the contact advised by HH Global