‘allow me to support myself’

A letter from a woman wanting to maintain her two children outside the workhouse, 21 November 1866, Catalogue ref: MH12/9812

Poor Law Union: Uppingham

Union counties: Rutland


Uppingham, 21st November, 1866

To The Commissioner of the Poor Law Board.


I hope you will pardon me writing to you, but it is to solicit [seek] the favour of you to order the Guardians of Issing, to allow me support to myself and two small children, aged 5 ½  and 8 months. I have been quite blind, but thank God, a friend gave me a recommendation to go to London Hospital and I have got the sight of one [eye]. My husband is in a deep decline and being past recovery he is in Uppingham Union [workhouse]. I have a small comfortable home and do not wish to go into the Union. If you honourable Sir will take my [serious] case into consideration and allow my dear children [to remain with me]. But that, I will leave in your Hands. I am Honourable Sir,

Your most humble servant,

Catherine Lock

Issing, Rutland.

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