Document Four - Keighley

May 14 1875 

Keighley Union 

Small pox 



I have attended the petty sessions at Keighley this morning in a deputation accompanied by W. Heelis Medical Officer, waited upon the Magistrate to advise as to the best course to be taken to check the small pox both at Keighley and Bingley, the present means being quite inadequate, the guardians rendering us efficient assistance, and the shops and Inns being open for trade where it exists, the persons waiting upon the infected patients leaving them to wait upon the Customers; the sewerage, drainage, and sewage in both Towns being in a most dangerous state, while the disease is rapidly spreading, and the distress among the Poor painfully increasing. 

It was decided that I should make an appeal from the Bench for a public subscription, and write to the Local Govt Board by this days post stating that under the present fearful state of the disease an officer from your Board ought to visit the Union directly, not only to [elucidate] the Sanitary Officials, but to point out the Home Office where the present law is inoperative to compel isolation, and I was also desired to state that this is the general public opinion.  

I communicated to the Deputation that I had already [urged] this course and was expecting to hear from you. – 

I am 

yrs faithfully 

W Ferrand 


The Secy 

L.G. Board 



Eluciadate = make something clear/ explain  

Inoperative = not in action/ issued 

Compel = bring about something using force or pressure 

Deputation = a group who complete a formal task for someone else

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