Letter Two - William Jackson

Date of letter: 11 February 1854. Poor Law Union: Bethnal Green Poor Law Union

Bethnal Green
Workhouse Infirmary
Feby 11 1854
I hope you will be Kind enough to pardon me in laying my case before you I am a Pensioner of the 19th Regt. at 8d. Pr Diem.
I have been an inmate of this Establishment since May 16th 1853 – and on the 3rd of this month their was 18 months Pension due to me 6 months have been Paid at Regents Park Barracks the Remainder at Tower Hill, The Whole of wich has been Kept by the master of the House for my Keep, I beg most humbly to say Gentlemen I have seen many Pensions paid, who have been accompanied by the Relieveing Overseers and they have handed to them 15/- or 15/6 fr their months Keep, as to the numbear of days in the month I have allways been told by The millitary authorities 6d Pr Diem was all that could be Kept for Pensioners food. I beg most Respectfully to say I want to get into Chelsea Colledge and I have not the means of liveing for a few weeks nor am I able to work from bad legs. I should be allowed to take air & Exercise with Crutches and be allowed 9d P week for any little necessaries I might want. Gentlemen I have most humbly to beg you will be Kind enough to see that I have the Ballance thats due to me Paid as I then should be in a Position to go into Chelsea Gentlemen its hard after having served my Country in the Unhealthy Climate of the West Indies to be Kept from my rights
I am Gentlemen
your Most Obedient Humble Servant
William Jackson

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1. What do you think William Jackson means when he refers to “having served my country in the Unhealthy Climate of the West Indies”? Why do you think he writes about this?

2. What does Jackson believe to be his “rights”? What is he requesting from the commissioners?