Extracts from the War Diary of the 44th Field Ambulance [Royal Army Medical Corps] a mobile army medical unit operating near the front line, July 1916, October 1916, (Catalogue ref: WO 95/4117)
or INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Emergency Stretcher Bearer unit |
Summary of Events and Information | Remarks & references to appendices |
Boulogne | 1/7/16
6/7/16 |
No 3783 Private H. Smith admitted to Hospital. No 185 Corporal G. Hammon posted to Details- struck off.
No accused or sick. About 2.30 pm received a telephone message from D.D.M.S. [Division Director of Medical Services] to send 50 stretcher bearers up the line at once. Fifty N.C.O.s & men paraded & left the Marlborough Barrier Calais Road about 3.30 pm. Emo [emergency] calling for parties at all times. Landing Hospital ships. Sudden message in the morning to send two parties of 50 men each, one to 34 C.C.S. [Casualty Clearing another to 36 [Casualty Clearing Station Station]. Both parties left completes about 2.30pm. Only 163 N.C.O.s & men left at Headquarters, constantly backwards and forwards to docks, landing Hospital ships. No. 2966 Private. Miller admitted to Hospital No. 6710 Private Crougham examined by mental specialist. Sent to hospital-insanity. Two men sick, no accused, strength remains the same. Bearers being helped at the docks by other details. |
or INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Emergency Stretcher Bearer unit |
Summary of Events and Information | Remarks & references to appendices |
Rouen | 3rd Oct.
Oct. 4th
5th |
During the past week from 25th Sept.-0ct.2nd the motor ambulances have been constantly at work detraining large numbers of wounded & taking wounded from Hospitals to trains & ships.
Trains off-loaded loaded ships flotilla [ambulance barges] off loaded [ambulance barges] 9719 2746 1554 92 Total 9811 4300 Ambulance train No.15 evacuated at 4.30 am Ambulance train No.18 evacuated at 10 am Ambulance train No.18 loaded for Havre 4 pm Ambulance Flotilla No T unloaded & patients transferred to No.18 train
At 9.30.am Hospital Ship St George was loaded |