Ffynhonnell 3b

Yr un rhan o’r daflen yn Saesneg (HO 45/454 f108)

Trawsgrifiad o’r un rhan o’r daflen yn Saesneg




Do you think I can countenance or join your riotous proceedings? I tell you NO. And what is more, though I have fought, am fighting, and will continue to fight your battles, until I can obtain perfect justice and political regeneration for you and your children, I am and will always be the first man to keep the Queen’s peace, and prevent anything like rioting or disturbance. Enough has been done already to convince the Government of the great and universal discontent which your grievances have caused among you. They have sent down soldiers to keep the peace. I therefore entreat you not to meet together on Wednesday night. I have written for the soldiers to come here and prevent your doing any mischief if you should. Why will you hinder me from fighting your battles in the only way in which we can be successful; and by your violence and absurdity, which can do no good, turn me from a friend to an enemy? Your conduct is childish and absurd, and not like men who have great objects to attain. Why will you exhibit folly when wisdom is required? The penalty for pulling down a Turnpike House is TRANSPORTATION FOR LIFE. What good can you get by running such a risk, when you may attain every thing you ought to have, in a peaceable and quiet manner, without running any danger whatever? I can only attribute it to your ignorance, which prevents you from being able to guide in its proper course the great and irresistible force which you possess. A hundredth part of your strength properly applied, will do more for you, and without risk, than a thousand times your power wasted in the absurdities you have lately indulged in. Be guided by me. Do what I tell you, and you must be victorious in the end. Go each one to your own homes on Wednesday night, peace-ably and quietly. On Thursday morning, let each Parish choose two Delegates to come to me (as the Parishes in the Hundred of Upper Elvet have done,) to make me acquainted with your grievances, and then follow implicitly the advice I shall give them. If you do, peace and prosperity will be sure to return to you. If you do not, I shall leave you to enjoy the results of your ignorance and folly.




countenance – cymeradwyo


regeneration – newid, gwelliant


grievances – rhesymau dros gwyno, achosion trallod


entreat – erfyn / ymbil ar


absurdity – twpdra


objects – amcanion


transportation – alltudiaeth, cael eu hanfon o Brydain


attain – ennill, cyflawni


delegates – cynrychiolwyr


to make me acquainted with – rhoi gwybod i mi am…


implicitly – heb gwestiwn nac amheuaeth


Edward Crompton Lloyd Hall – uchel siryf Ceredigion, a wnaeth hefyd ymgyrchu o blaid pleidlais gudd (nid oedd pleidleisio mewn etholiad yn gudd ar y pryd)


« Return to Terfysg Beca (Cymraeg/Welsh)

3. Edrychwch ar Ffynhonnell 3. Mae Edward Crompton Lloyd Hall, uchel siryf Ceredigion, yn cynnig cyngor i Rebecca a’i merched ym 1843.

  • Pam mae Hall yn dweud wrth Rebecca a’i merched am beidio â chyfarfod nos Fercher?
  • Sut mae Hall yn cynghori’r Cymry i weithredu er mwyn cael pobl i wrando arnynt?
  • Sut mae’r daflen yn ceisio perswadio pobl i wrando? (Rhowch sylwadau ar: faint y testun; ansoddeiriau ac enwau cadarn; arddull ysgrifennu Hall.)
  • Pa wybodaeth mae’r ffynhonnell hon yn ei rhoi am agwedd yr awdurdodau at Rebecca a’i merched?
  • Pam argraffodd Hall y daflen hon yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, yn eich barn chi?