‘The New Government’, cartoon by David Low printed in the Daily Herald newspaper, 6th November 1951
From the collection of the British Cartoon Archive, University of Kent. © Solo Syndication
Opening of Parliament
The new Government – as Low sees it
[Man elbowing aside a group of men dressed in robes and crowns:]
Elbowing aside a herd of Lords…
[Two men in trench coats following a suited man with a rope around his leg:]
we spy Rab Butler, leg-roped by City friends who fear he is not what they paid for.
[Man throwing cigar butts into a bucket:]
Ah, here is Mr C. conducting his “save-cigar-butts” economy campaign.
[Surly man wearing a Welsh hat:]
Maxwell Fyfe is sick of people casting doubt on his Welsh parentage.
[Harried man holding onto a file:]
Look out! Monckton’s just discovered there are not enough men or materials to go around.
[Man bending down to inspect a dog house labelled Fido:]
Already Macmillan has begun inspecting models for his 300,000 houses.
[Man standing next to a wheelbarrow with a steel propeller in it:]
Poor Sandys, wondering how to sell the steel industry back to ex-shareholders who don’t want to buy it.