Drowning of a witch

Unnamed witches: a drowned witch. (Catalogue ref: ADM 106/313/424)

This is a regular piece of correspondence that was sent into the Navy Board, but it contains an unusual detail about what the neighbours of a woman suspected of witchcraft did to her, 14 August 1675.


[On side of letter]

  1. This day a woman suspected for a witch was put a swimming
  2. by her neighbours for trial until they had drowned her
  3. a piece of such cruelty as I have rarely heard of

[On reverse of letter]

  1. Chatham 13 August 1675
  2. Survey—has seen the
  3. Order about allowing 6 pence
  4. a man a day who works at the
  5. Wrecks—complaining of the
  6. backwardness of their working
  7. –wants timber and plank for the
  8. wharfs—asks directions
  9. about buying Sir Charles Bickerstaff’s
  10. Timber—prays coming to
  11. a speedy resolution—
  12. Trying a woman for a Witch
  13. Drowned her
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