Letter from Accrington Mayor, Harold Johnson, to MPs at the Ministry of Labour and National Service, 26th April, 1948 (LAB 43/21)
26th April, 1948.
Dear Mr. Isaacs and Mr. Wilson,
Thank you for your letter of 17th instant relating to the campaign to make everyone aware of Lancashire’s responsibilities in the fight for economic survival.
I assure you that I will so all within my power to encourage employers and workers to make even greater efforts to increase output in the factories, and will take the opportunity of referring to this most important matter at any suitable public functions which I attend.
I would say that at the present time the Corporation are actively engaged with the Ministry of Health in the taking of steps to provide additional day nursery accommodation so that more married women may be enabled to take up duties in the cotton mills.
I feel sure that the people of Accrington will play their part at this critical moment in the Country’s history.
Yours sincerely,
Mayor. [Signed] Harold Johnson