
Take a look at our portfolio of past projects! 

I loved it. The plays were well-written, and it was great to hear about how writers used The National Archives to form the stories they created’ – audience member at the Once British Always British audio play events, April-May 2021

We seek to widen and deepen our knowledge of the past with groups and individuals, exploring how curiosity, balanced perspectives and a therapeutic approach can unpick the diverse histories within our collection.  

‘If I were asked what I thought about the whole experience in three words, it would be this: Memorable, rewarding, stimulating’ Extra Care Scheme Manager, Oak Tree House, Berkshire

We believe in consultation and tailor our projects to meet the needs of the communities we work with. Creativity, wellbeing and social interaction are at the heart of many of our projects!   

A sculpture consisting of a ceramic globe with a mosaic representing countries, continents, and the equator. Relief sculptures of creatures including an elephant and a mermaid are placed on the globe.