Royal debts

Warrant of 5 Jan 1484 for money still owed to John Belle, a bailiff of Cambridge, for supplying £32 worth of wildfowl for the coronation banquet. Payment of the outstanding debt was ordered only because Belle mustered men for the king against rebels in autumn 1483. Coronations were very expensive and part of politics when the right to the crown was contested. (E 404/78/2/24)


Richard by the grace of god King of England and of Fraunce and lord of Irland To the Tresourer and Chamb[er]leins of oure Eschequier
greting. Where as it was soo that in the tyme we stode protectour of this oure Reaulme while Edward bastard Son unto our en… …
beloved broth[e]r Edward the fourth was called King of this oure Reaulme / John Belle late oon of the baillifs of oure Town of Cambrigge
provided as many wildefoule for his coronacion by the co[m]maundement of John Elrington Knight, as amounted to the so[m]me of xxxijli ij… …
Wherof he resceyved in hand of the said John Elrington Knight xvijli xjs ijd Also he resceyved xiiijli xjs vd of a prest of … …
Thurkill John Dale John Wodcok and John Belle late bailliefs of our said Town of Cambrigge of the Fee ferme of the said tow… …
of xvli whiche was due by the said late bailliefs to Dame Elizabeth late called Quene of this oure Reaulme at the … …
Ester last past / And that oure said suppliaunt trusting to have had his redy paiement of the said so[m]me of xiiijli xjs vd of the …
Elrington Knight for the said providence / and so to have made paiement again [ther]of to the said late bailliefs to thuse of the said …
Elizabeth / of whiche xiiijli xjs vd due to oure said suppliant he can gete no paiement nor convenable assignement of the sa… …
Elrington Knight to his grevous hurte and damage w[i]t[h]oute oure grace be shewed to him in this behalve. We entending the indempnite …
said John Belle / and for asmoche as … cam to our highnes w[i]t[h] iiij men defensibly arraied to Leicestre, and so contynued stille in our …
awaitinge upon us alle our Jo[ur]ney in rep[re]ssing of our Rebelles and traitours unto the tyme we cam to oure Citee of London to his …
cost and charge w[i]t[h]oute any rewarde or recompence by us to him made for the same as yet. Woll therfor in rewarde and recompense of …
grete cost labo[u]r and charge in that behalve, of oure grace esp[ec]iall and mere mot[i]on, that ye make assignement unto the said John B…
of the said som[m]e of xiiijli xjs vd by taille or tailles to be leveied of the said late bailliefs at the Resceipt …
our Eschequier to be had and p[er]ceived of the fee ferme of the said towne / And that taille or tailles so leveied ye deliv[er]e unto the said
John Belle w[i]t[h]oute prest or oth[e]r charge upon him or the said late bailliefs or the said John Elrington Knight to be sette in any …
And these our l[ett]res shalbe to you herin sufficient warrant and discharge at alle tymes. Yeven under oure prive seell at our …
of Westm[inster] the vth daie of January the furst yer of o[u]r Reigne.

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