Accredited archive services, statistics and outcomes

A list of accredited archive services is available below:

All accredited archive services (XLS, 0.04 MB)

The award of accreditation is made by the Archive Service Accreditation Panel. Archive services can be awarded either full or provisional accredited status. Find out more about the award of full and provisional accredited status.

Annual Report on UK applications and awards for Archive Service Accreditation: statistics and outcomes

Annual reports offer an overview of how the roll out of Archive Service Accreditation is progressing across the UK since its launch in June 2013.

A report outlines how applicant archive services are achieving against the standard as a preliminary indicator of the areas of greatest strength across UK archives, and those areas of ongoing development need.

Annual Report on UK applications and awards for Archive Service Accreditation: Statistics and Outcomes 2023-2024 (PDF, 0.7 MB)

Adroddiad ar Geisiadau a Dyfarniadau ar gyfer Achrediad Gwasanaeth Archifau 2023-2024 (PDF, 0.7 MB)