Account of Agincourt – page 2
A brief narrative of the battle of Agincourt most likely copied from the 16th century chronicle written by Raphael Holinshed. The account formed part of a late 16th century draft treatise on military strategy, tactics and leadership that drew on various examples and knowledge from medieval and antiquarian sources.
See page one and page three of this account.
Catalogue reference: SP 9/36
Now ye Battail approaching neer ech
other an ould soldier Sir Thomas Har-
yngton cast up his warder [baton] that was
in his hand, then all ye Englyshmen shout-
ed a loude, whereat ye French marvelled
But yt was a signe to the archers in the
medow which knowing the token shot
altogether at ye French vawarde, and
when the French percevid ye archers
in the meadow when they saw not affor
and saw that they could not come att
them for ye ditche they with speed set
upon ye vaward of ye Battail led by ye
king: but er they joined ye archers of
the vaward, and ye archers on their
side which were placed in ye medow
so galled ye horses as they ran on plump
wth out order and over threw one an other
and ye footmen durst not go forward
when ye French vaward was thus discomfited
the English archers cast away their bowes and
tooke in hand billes and yrwth executed ye enymy
Then King Henry approched wt his Batell
and shortly was the second French battell
overcome: yet ye Frenchmen stoutely
with stood the English when they came
to hand strokes so as ye fight was
doutfull and very perillous; the kinge
albeit he was almost felled off his horse by
the duke Delanson (de Alencon), yet by valour and
strength recovered a gaine and slew
two of the Duks knights: and overthrew
the duke who would have yielded to him
But the king’s gard contrary to his will slew
the duke de Lanson being downe
Then the king caused his horsemen to feche
a compasse aboute and to wyn wth hym
A gainst the French rearward, which was
strongest of men, the French perceveing
his intent and being amazed brake their
aray and ran a way to save their lives and
being persued yielded ymselves prisoners.
In this meantime certain troops of French
horsemen knowing yt ye English carage was
left wtout men, uncarded: they went
and assaulted it and found their great Riches
But the king hering of it pursued them
Overtook ym and recovered all his tresur
Henry ye fifth: Grafton pag 466
After that king Henry the fifth
was entred and marched into France
and had faught & won the fild and
Battail of Agincourte then he laid
siege and won also the town of
Cain in Normandye by long seege
whear he shewed such an example
of clemencye & mearcy as it greatly
advantid his fortune, for in Caine
he found innumberable substance
of money & plate belongeinge unto
the citizines whereof he wold not
suffer ane penye to be deminishd