Cholera advice poster

Handbill giving advice on the need for cleanliness to avoid cholera from the newly formed Board of Health in Portsmouth and Portsea, 31 October 1831, Catalogue ref: HO 44/24/57. 


 Cholera Morbus [disease] 

The BOARD of HEALTH now forming for Portsmouth and Portsea on the plan recommended under Authority of the Lords of the Privy Council, in expectation that the Indian Cholera may extend to this Country, are anxious at the first moment of their assembling, to address their Townsmen on the subjects of Cleanliness and Temperance [restraint] matters at all times of consequence, as conducive [good] to Health, but at the present period, of the first importance, for the purpose of mitigating [lessening] the virulence of that formidable disease, should it, in its progress, unfortunately visit this Country. 

The Board beg to recommend to all Persons having local jurisdiction over ROADS, STREETS, and PASSAGES, to be particularly attentive to their state, and to enforce the REMOVAL of ALL NUISANCES [rubbish and waste], tending to injure the Public Health. 

It is essential that People of all descriptions should be Cleanly in their Persons and Houses, and not suffer any REFUSE of ANIMAL or VEGETABLE MATTER to accumulate on their Premises. 

The DWELLINGS of the poor, among whom the Malady is most likely to spread, ought to be Cleansed, Ventilated, and Whitewashed. 

Intemperance [drunkenness] never fails to debilitate [weaken] the human frame, and expose it to the attacks of Disease; but at this particular time the observance of Temperance more especially abstinence [avoid] from Spirituous Liquors, is of the utmost importance to all those who set a value on their LIVES or HEALTH. 



PORTSMOUTH. October 31st, 1831 


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