Extract from a Memorandum from the Assistance Board about arrangements for the Windrush passengers, including information about treatment of stowaways. 1948, Catalogue ref: AST 21/8
The rest of this document also tells us that the Ministry of Labour and National Service set up a small job centre in the shelter to help place people in work. With the publicity about the arrival of ‘Empire Windrush’, job offers came in from different employers. Some men got work at the Stanton Iron Works, Nottingham, British Railways Works, Swindon, Tin Plate Works at Neath in South-West Wales and in the catering trades around London. Of the 492 who came on the ship, 241 accepted the Colonial Office’s offer to help them find jobs and housing. The other 251 made their own arrangements on arrival.
The S.S. Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury on 22nd June- the total number of passengers concerned was 492 and there were also 20 stowaways. The boarding party actually had to deal with the following numbers:
Category A- Volunteers for the Armed Forces – 52
Category B- Those who had nowhere to go and who were accommodated in the Clapham deep shelter – 236
Category C- Those who had places to go to and were dispersed direct from Tilbury- 204
- What was the total number of passengers?
- Why were they divided into 3 groups do you think?
- What is a ‘stowaway’?