Before you share this source with pupils, please be aware that it uses language that is inappropriate and unacceptable today.
Letter from Elizabeth I to the mayors and sheriffs of the country, Catalogue reference: PC 2/21 f.304
Modernised Transcript
An open letter to the Lord Mayor of London and the aldermen his brethren. And to all other Mayors, Sheriffs etc. Her Majesty understanding that there are of late divers Blackmoores brought into the Realm, of which kind of people there are already here too many, considering how God hath blessed this land with great increase of people of our own Nation as any country in the world. Whereof many for want of service and means to set them on work fall to idleness and to great extremity. Her Majesty’s pleasure therefore is that those kind of people should be sent forth of the land. And for that purpose there is direction given to this bearer Edward Banes to take those Blackmoores that in this last voyage under Sir Thomas Baskervile were brought into this realm to the number of ten, to be transported by him out of the Realm. Wherein we require you to be aiding and assisting unto him as he shall have occasion and thereof not to fail.
Simplified transcript
To the Lord Mayor of London and his officers and all other mayors and sheriffs in the country. Her Majesty, is aware that a lot of blackmoors have been brought to this country at a time when our own population is growing. Many of them need work but without it, turn to idleness and poverty. It is her Majesty’s wish that these kind of people should be sent [deported] out of the country. Edward Banes is to transport out of the country 10 Blackmoors brought into the country by Sir Thomas Baskerville. Everyone is to help him ensure that this happens.
- Look at the document. What can you see?
- How was it produced? (Is it typed or handwritten?)
- How is the text set out on the page? (E.g. does it use columns, paragraphs, sub-headings etc.?)
- What does this tell us about the type of document this is?
- When do you think it was written? Why do you think this?
- What words can you spot? You could display a list of words taken from the transcript for pupils to try to find.
- Do you have any idea what the document might be about?