This extract from 25 May 1607 from Archer’s journal describes the Native American inhabitants showing the settlers how they lived. (CO1/1)
Some of his people led vs to their houses, showed vs the growing of their Corne & the maner of setting it, gave us Tobacco, Wallnutes, mullberyes, strawberryes, and Respises. One shewed vs the herbe called in their tongue wisacan, which they say heales poysoned woundes, it is like lyverwort of bloudwort. One gaue me a Roote wherewith they poisen their Arrowes. they would shew vs any thing we Demaunded, and laboured very much by signes to make vs understand their Languadg.
Simplified transcript
Some of his people led us to their houses, showed us the growing of their corn & the manner of setting [planting] it, gave us tobacco, walnuts, mulberries, strawberries, and raspberries. One showed us the herb called in their language wisacan, which they say heals poisoned wounds, like liverwort or bloodwort. One gave me a root with which they poison their arrows. They would show us anything we demanded, and made a strong effort to use signs to make us understand their language.
5. This extract from 25 May 1607 from Archer’s journal describes the Native American inhabitants showing the settlers how they lived.
- What are the explorers shown how to do? [Think about what ‘manner of setting’ actually means]
- If the Native Americans are willing to do this, what does this suggest about them?
- How would you describe the role of food in the meetings between the Native Americans and the colonists?
- What hints does this extract give us about how this Native American community lived?