Source 3

This extract from 24 May 1607 from Archer’s journal describes how the English were missing two bullet-bags and their contents. (CO1/1)


But in presence of them both it fell out that we missing two bullett-bagges which had shott and Dyvers trucking toyes in them: we Complayned to theis kynges, who instantly caused them all to be restored, not wanting any thing. Howbeit they had Devyded the shott and toyes to (at least) a dozen seuerall persons; and those also in the llet over the water: One also having stollen a knyfe, brought it againe vpon this Comaunde before we supposed it lost, or had made made any signe for it: so Captaine Newport gaue thanckes to the Kinges and rewarded the theeves with the same toyes they had stollen, but kept the bulletes: yet he made knowne vnto them the Custome of England to be Death for such offences.

Simplified transcript

But in presence of them both it turned out that we were missing two bullet-bags which had shot [bullets] and various trucking toys [goods to be used for trading with the Native Americans] inside them. We complained to their kings, who instantly caused them all to be returned, not wanting anything. However they had divided the shot and toys between at least a dozen people, as well as those in the inlet over the water. One also, having stolen a knife, brought it back to [the king’s] command before we had thought it to be lost.. Captain Newport gave thanks to the kings and rewarded the thieves with the same toys they had stolen, but kept the bullets: however, he made it clear that they understood that the custom of England was death for such offences.


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3. This extract from 24 May 1607 from Archer’s journal describes how the British were missing two bullet-bags and their contents.

  • When the loss was reported, how quick and effective was the Native Americans response?
  • Why do you think the materials were taken by the Native Americans?
  • How is the situation resolved?
  • From the evidence so far, how would you describe the relationship between the Europeans and the Native Americans? Make sure you explain your ideas – use the questions below to help:
    • Would you describe this as a friendly relationship?
    • How well have problems been resolved?
    • Are there any sign of nerves or worries? What about tensions or threats?