Source 2

This is an extract from 23 May 1607 from the journal seen in Source 1. (CO1/1)


Satterday we passed a few short reaches; and . 5. mile of Poore Cottage we went a shore. Heer we found our kinde

Comrades againe, who had gyven notice all along as they came of us: by which we were entertayned with much Courtesye in every place. We found here a Wiroans (for so they call their kynges) who satt vpon a matt of Reedes, with his people about him: He casued one to be layd for Captain Newport, gave vs a Deare roasted; which accor ding to their Custome they seethed againe: His people gaue Vs mullberyes, sodd wheate and beanes, and he caused his weomen to make Cakes for Vs. He gaue our Captaine his Crowne which was of Deares hayre dyed redl. Certifying him of our intentyon vp the Ryver, he was willing to send guydes with vs.

Simplified transcript

On Saturday we passed a few short stretches of river, and 5 miles from ‘Poor Cottage’ we went ashore. Here we found our kind friends again, who had given us notice while they came toward us, and who entertained us with much courtesy [respect] in every place. We found here a Wiroans (which is what they call their kings) who sat upon a mat of reeds with his people around him. He arranged for [a mat] to be laid for Captain Newport and gave us a roasted deer, which according to their custom they seethed [boiled] again. His people gave us mulberries, wheat and beans, and he had his women make cakes for us. He gave our Captain his crown, which was made out of deer hair dyed red. When we told him we were going up the river, he was willing to send guides with us.


« Return to Native North Americans

2. This is an extract from 23 May 1607 from the journal seen in Source 1 (CO 1/1).

  • What was done to show respect for Captain Newport?
  • What did the local Indigenous people give to the colonists? [3 things]
  • What did the Captain get?
  • How do you think these explorers felt about this encounter?
  • Why do you think the settlers were treated like this?