Report from the War Diary of 75th Field Ambulance, (Catalogue ref: WO 95/2399)
EXTRACTS FROM 74th Infantry Brigade Reports on Operations August 10th, 11th, 1917 A.D.M.S. No. S.63. 21.8.17.
R.A.M.C. Arrangements
17. R.A.M.C. arrangements proved very satisfactory in spite of the great difficulty caused by the long carry. These shewed a great deal improvement on the arrangements at MESSINES, although the conditions there were nothing like as unhealthy. Each Battalion had a R.A.P. [Regimental Aid Post] behind its line in the forward area. That of the 8th Loyal North Lancs [Lancashires] near RED LODGE was very heavily shelled and eventually demolished. 13th Cheshire Regiment and 2nd Royal Irish Rifles evacuated by a relay post in CHATEAU WOOD to BIRR CROSS ROADS A.D.S [Advanced dressing station] (77th Field Ambulance). 9th L.N.Ls [Loyal North Lancashire Regiment] and the 11th Lancashire Fusiliers evacuated via Collecting Post in Wood about J.1.c.10.10 to RAILWAY WOOD (76th Field Ambulance). From BIRR CROSS ROADS wounded were evacuated on motor ambulances.
Stretcher-bearers suffered very heavy casualties, one unit having 42 casualties out of 48. All units have emphasised the excellent work of their Battalion Stretcher-Bearers. German prisoners were much used for carrying stretchers and worked well.