Source 5

Telegram from the British Foreign Office to the British delegation at the Paris Peace Conference, 22 May 1919. Catalogue ref: FO 608/210/3


Minister for Foreign Affairs spoke to me today about situation in this country. He said there was now practically no prospect of Shanghai Conference coming to a settlement and that only chance of reunion between the North and South lay in an agreement between Military Governors on either side and establishment of a purely military Government. Terms of Paris Peace Conference has convinced China that Might was still Right and had greatly strengthened position of military leaders and cemented alliance between them and military party in Japan, a great wrong had been done to China and country felt deeply aggrieved. President Wilson had held out hopes of providing some alleviation through League of Nations but he personally regarded League as a “sham” and all assurance as “(group undecipherable) talk”. China was however faced with a very difficult position. If she signed Peace Treaty there would be an outcry throughout country and possibly serious (? schism)s. If she refused to sign as was present intention she would still be technically at war with Germany and left isolated.


« Return to May Fourth Movement 1919
  • According to the British Foreign Office, what have been the consequences of the Paris Peace Conference in China?
  • Why do you think Britain and the United States are worried about these consequences?
  • What do you think will happen if the Chinese delegates decide not to sign the Versailles Peace Treaty?
    • Extension activity: Research what happened in China immediately after this period. Is this what you would have expected?